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Aravinda Gunda

Director/Program Manager (PMP certified)
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Aravinda Gunda's Experience
Engagement Manager
L'Avenir Hues, LLC., NJ
Aravinda Gunda's Education
Osmania University
Blog Experts

Aravinda Gunda's Story

Brief description about me
Director/Program manager L'Avenir Hues, LLC. handling the international IT operations. Have Masters Degree in computers and PMP certification, with 16 yrs IT experience ranging from software design/development to program/project management and business development. Worked with prestigious clients like City of New York, Park Avenue Securities, Guardian Life, LabCorp, State of New York, Honeywell
Initiative to develop a country
1. Impart Knowledge 2. Create opportunities 3. Volunteer social activities 4. Create professional communities 5. Bring in general awareness 6. Lead by example 7. Raise voice against wrong happenings 8. Keep abreast of developing and changing trends 9. Open minded to betterment 10. Embrace and encourage positive change
My achievements
1. All assignments & positions I have handled so far 2. All awards won in my career 3. The best relationships I have in my life 4. The vast network I have built
Thoughts on Education system of our country
Education system in India is very commercial, theoretical, poor quality, rudimentary and unaffordable. To improve: 1. Create new Govt. laws and reforms to make quality education affordable 2. Appoint well qualified teachers, with good pay packages 3. Encourage students' creativity and make the education more practical 4. Make sports, yoga, arts a part of the education system 5. Train teachers to shoulder the responsibility of shaping tomorrow’s leaders
Important decision
1. Coming to the United States 2. Picking up IT Consulting & setting up a company 3. Returning back to India for good 4. Travel around the world
Couple of years from now
In a position to create great opportunities for deserving people
My role model
1. Bhagat Singh and Subhash Chandra Bose (Indian freedom fighters): Great Leaders, setting an example to the world 2. Bill Gates: For building a Tech Empire 3. Steve Jobs: For Creating the mesmerizing Apple
Important lesson learned
1. Life is simple & beautiful, keep it that way 2. Avoid conflicts, as much as possible 3. Money is important, earn it, but not chase it 4. Trust God, he knows what is good for us 5. Be happy, on every first chance 6. Alone you are limited, together you are unlimited
Influenced by
My Brother: For mentoring me always and My Best Friend, by: 1. Trusting and supporting me in good and bad times 2. Bringing out the hidden potential in me 3. Sharpening and shaping the creativity and leadership in me 4. Holding my hand all the way through 5. Being my advisor in all my undertakings
My strongest skill
1. Leadership 2. Management 3. Technology
Qualities needed to become a successful leader
1. Leadership 2. Smartness and Intelligence 3. Confidence 4. Good Decision Making 5. Clear Vision 6. Focused Mission 7. Deep Understanding 8. Good Analytical skills 9. Broad-Mindedness 10. Compassionate 11. Good Team Player
Ensuring success
Very simple: 1. Remember, knowledge is power, be abreast of latest happenings in your field of work or interest 2. Never burn bridges - You never know who you will need help from in the future. 3. Successfully complete every task undertaken 4. Show your creativity on every first chance 5. Be compassionate with co-workers and subordinates 6. Avoid unnecessary gossip - specially in work place 7. Avoid conflict as much as possible 8. Ensure to grow your teams, with you 9. Have a very good network
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