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Reality TV is perhaps the best thing to come out of the television networks within the last few years. It has created a buzz that many shows have failed to match since the days of Seinfeld or Twin Peaks. People have something to talk about when they meet at the water cooler and have been reminded that TV can actually be exciting and is a great well to tell human stories.

Of course, I know as well as anyone that reality television generally has no more than a glimmer of reality in it. It is pretty difficult to claim that something is real when its cast are surrounded by cameras with millions of viewers watching every episode. Would those Big Brother contestants act the same if there were no cameras? I strongly doubt it but I suppose without them we wouldn't know so you can't really win. No reality show can even come close to the layered and intelligent comedy that is shown with the likes of The Simpsons or Family Guy but both genres certainly seem to have a role in the televisual marketplace.

The beauty of the reality show is that it leaves the viewer feeling like a part of the experience, something that the intelligent comedy' shows cannot provide. I'm sure everybody has found themselves willing on their favorite American Idol contestant at some point and being distraught when they get eliminated. The sitcom and drama writers must be praying for a reality bust or perhaps they are planning a real' version of CSI which would be interesting.

The problem that we have, is that the reality show viewing generation have grown up watching the likes of The Real World and consider it to be as, if not more, legitimate than any drama or sitcom that is on the screen. It has meant that TV is entering an overkill mode with the huge number of dating, talent and voyeuristic shows springing up from all over the place.


