Can Meditation Relieve People From Stress?
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Can meditation relieve people from stress?

BPO Employee
Twenty-seven-year-old software professional Ashish Bamzai, 27, couldn't enjoy his own wedding because at the back of his mind was the fear of losing his job.

"Everyone around me was happy and smiling. I just couldn't fake a smile as there was tension lingering at the back of my mind. I had this fear of my company giving me the pink slip. Ever since the downturn has hit the markets, all software professionals are uncertain about their jobs and I am one of them," Bamzai said.

To get rid of this constant fear, Bamzai participated in a workshop at the Chennai-based Oneness University that deals in promoting holistic living to counter stress and it worked wonders for him. Now he has learnt to stay calm and composed even in adverse conditions.

"I can definitely see the change. I have calmed down a lot. After the workshop, I started doing meditation and yoga at home and it really works," Bamzai said.

"In a world where nothing remains for ever and everything is collapsing, we are trying to promote the idea that one needs stability in life and that comes from family and within. So if you want to change your lifestyle, pull up your socks because we can only show you the means, you need to put in the effort," she added.

Geetanjalee Agarwal, 36, is a working mother and two-and-a-half years ago she felt the stress of juggling her family and job. Today she is a mediator with Isha Foundation and the course has helped her a lot in balancing her life.

"My life was in a shambles and I couldn't balance it but after learning various kriyas (meditation techniques), my productivity has increased tremendously and I don't feel the stress. Also in terms of decision-making, there is a lot more clarity in my mind," Agarwal said.

"I perform all these kriyas at home and my stamina and energy levels have also increased. Life has changed for good," she added.

Many people are choosing spiritual ways to get rid of stress and depression, hoping to find peace and calm in times of depression.
