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Business Development
Wanting to work from home is a choice you may exercise if you are self-motivated, disciplined, we’ll organized and realistic. Do something you love doing or you will not be able to sustain it. Do a lot of research before taking the plunge. Put together a business plan and research your market. All that king of stuff is really dull and boring but it makes you think seriously about what you are doing. If you still think self employment is a good idea, then you are probably right.
You have to look within yourself to find out in which direction up some related courses based on your abilities, talents, and interests but you have to look for work on your own.
Direct Selling
Direct selling is fast emerging as an important marketing tool. Opportunities for direct selling are in cosmetics and other personal care products, household goods, educational material, and financial products, to name but a few. Oriflamme, Tupperware, Avon Beauty, Direct Educational Technologies India Pvt. Hindustan Lever Network and Amway are just a few examples. Direct selling is the sale of a consumer product or service person-to-person, by independent sales people. Depending on the company, the salespeople may be called distributors representatives, consultants or various other titles. Products are sold primarily through in-home product demonstrations, parties and one-on-one Selling. It engenders considerable loyalty among its representatives and customers and gives you the opportunity to socialize and expand your network.
People of all ages and from all backgrounds can succeed in direct selling. It offers flexible work schedules and requires no specific levels of education, experience or financial resources. However, training in sales and marketing could be an advantage. Excellent networking and communication skills would be important to get the business moving. Usually, you receive training and support from an established company and the quality of the product ensures your credibility.
A presentable appearance and strong public relations skills, self assurance, good interpersonal skills are useful for interpersonal skills are useful for establishing yourself in direct selling. This concept of friendly selling works well with people who have a wide circle of friends and the sprit of enterprise.
You can decide where you wish to work. Since direct selling as an organized enterprise mainly for quality products, the type of people you meet and whom you approach for selling are above the average income group. Majority of the direct marketing takes place at parties, club meetings and other social gatherings. Hence, When you conduct promotional parties at your own base, at home, or a suitable location close-by, the arrangements have to be sophisticated to showcase quality products. Sometimes, direct selling would involve travel but the advantage is that it can be as per your convenience.
Some of the direct selling companies have a good business plan and regular training and support system. However, initial investment would be required. The best way to get into this would be to explore the companies offering direct selling opportunities and find out the facilities and investment involved. Then plan to take up the product or company that you feel most about selling and for which you have adequate finances.
The whole business is about creating public awareness so that your public purchases what you wish to sell. So your network of friends, relatives and more contacts through them has to be tapped. If you are generally a very sociable person, developing direct selling as your home based enterprise is ideal. Initially, you would sell the products to friends, relatives, colleagues and other acquaintances.