Bad Man Mr.Recession
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Bad Man Mr.Recession

With companies bailing out, banks hitting the countries lowest interest rates and economy all dwindling down, and the wall street on a brink of financial crisis, surely we are in the tsunami of a kind, at the times like this a very popular story comes to my mind, yes! a story of an ant and a grass hopper, well ant survives in winter where as grasshopper could not make it, that’s because ant was smart enough to collect its food in summer, but i am sure you were stuck to the wisdom of ant but the question is why we still hit the drought, well (A) because the Ants on board were not smart enough to collect more food (B) did they forget there is something called change and failed to make decisions that were more reliable, well i would stick to (B).

Why is it that we always believe, what happened in history would not repeat again, yes do you remember the awful period of 1989 to 1992, many people lost their jobs, and circumstances back then where no different to what is today, anyhow past tells us a lot and this is what the survivors had learned...

*Rather than investing in the market invest the money in company's Research and Development activities as the investment made in this area is for the long term and there is hardly any hit on business as much as it is in the market, as the business when it invests in R&D,the company targets for a period of 5 to10 years, aiming for future prospective customers, the best example of this today is HP, they have invested in R&D rather than in the market and is still a survivor.

* The once who are borrowing money my advise stop because what you are borrowing in good times, is going to be of the highest interest rates in bad times which is a good time for the lender who gave you all that money, you may never know you just paid double, now start looking in the areas of company that is least important and pay of the debts you already owe, like selling part of your company share, anyhow shredding people is not defiantly the answer, you could exercise what is called crisis management, where all come to save the day!!Be open to your staff, they will understand you, who knows you would have a million dollar answer just there.

* as "Mr Varren Buffet" says, have your funds diversified cause if one fails you have other one to save you

* and people who have already lost their jobs my advise please settle for a lower paying job, things will change, it is better than having to go through psychological problems, you would at least fair off better then others.

so my friends, the ant that does not finish up its food in winter but also keeps in mind something called change and invest in innovation that can give long term benefit from the gruesome Mr. Recession will help you survive in bad times too.

Well ants have learned their lesson now they have a new R&D department!!

