Developing A Positive Attitude
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Developing a Positive Attitude

Software Engineer

Positive attitude is one of the ingredients that bring up success in most of our lives. But many a times, we find it impossible to keep on succeeding or winning. Why does this happen? One of the reasons is that we look into most of the things in a negative manner. It is very humanly nature that we consider ourselves to be right and the rest, to be on the wrong side. Let us try to find out what the difficulties that can lead to this paranoia are, and how to get rid of such a situation.

The basic human nature resides in any of us and this is what leads one to a situation where he finds himself, a stranger and thereby ending up at the losing side. Why should this happen, at all? Why could not I end up winning everything that comes against me? This is a question that most of us might have had, time to time, in our minds. There is no restriction on anybody to be winning everything that he gets into. But nobody is seen to be winning everything in life. I am not talking about the countable little group that might exist who are real winners, but the other larger group who end up winning less than what is expected from them. There are many occasions where we walk away from things, even without giving a look into it. There are several reasons for this, but the topic that I think, the root of all is an attitude problem.

Most of the times, we attach a bad outlook to things that we are least interested for. This is what leads to dislike for the same topic. At times we fight, trying to prove our theory and at a later stage we can find ourselves walking away from the same. This seems alright to some extend from a distant view. But these might prove even worse, when we start walking away from things that are important in our life. This leads to loss of self confidence and severe bad effects there after! So, how can we get ourselves at the winning side, at least for more times than now? One of the things that could help us with this is maintaining a Positive Attitude in looking things that are happening around.

It is not a real difficult thing to keep a positive attitude most of the times. The main thing that prevents us from doing that is negligence that resides deep inside us. When we start neglecting things, remember that we are losing our Positive Outlook of things around. Now, how does keeping a positive attitude help us become winners? Think about the old story of ants accumulating their food for seasons. There are many things that could be learned from this example if we keep a positive attitude, which we already might’ve, listening to our elders. But if it was in a normal scenario, then we certainly would’ve neglected this story, simply because it sounds uninteresting! See the difference that it makes. One learns the basic lessons of accumulating knowledge and other artefacts from a simple story, where as the other lose interest in it. There are many situations where our negligence cost us a lot. Keeping a positive attitude, even to things which are lesser interesting, can prove worthy in our lives many a times.

Apart from the negligence issue, another thing that makes our lives difficult is our nature to getting adjusted to environments. A person in a certain project finds it difficult to get into a new project, thereby generating a negative insight towards moving into new activities, because he has been attached to the same environment. Many a times, we are biased to our normal situations. This needs to be changed. We should start keeping a positive attitude towards welcoming new targets and environments. There also is an issue of not awaiting for anything new in life. Life is a very beautiful subject for that matter, and we cannot be sure of what happens next. Things can change upside down in a matter of seconds. So in such complex situations of life, the only way that one can lead himself towards success, is by keeping a positive attitude of looking things. We can definitely find ourselves ending up winning things coming to us, once we develop a positive attitude to it.
