Never Too Late
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Never too Late

Business Analyst - Pre Sales

Anandi had been an amateur photographer for 25 years. Now at 70, she had a very clear vision.

“I want to be a world famous, professional photographer,” she confessed. She then emphasized, “The difference between an amateur and a professional is a professional gets paid.”

The voice of introspection asked “Is anything stopping you?” She paused for a long time. “I’m sure I need credentials and don’t want to go back to school at my age.”

“Anandi, what’s really in your way?” the voice of introspection gently asked.

“Everyone is telling me I am too old,” she slumped. “They’re telling me to be realistic.”

The voice of introspection said …Outrageous, “Nonsense,” the voice said. “What’s a step you can take to show that you are more committed to your reverie than to their doubt?”

She reflected for a moment and then suddenly her eyes lit up. “I know what I can do. I have an application sitting on my desk for a photo contest sponsored by Kodak. Just entering would have me prove to myself that I am serious about this.”

She took a stunning photograph of a man playing a sousaphone with golden tones of his instrument reflecting his bright red band uniform. She proudly sent it off to the Kodak competition, now mind you, along with 500,000 other entries.

Anandi won first prize which included a check for $10,000.00!

“I ran out to get business cards printed,” she laughed. “After all, now I really am a professional.”

Her photograph toured around the world with the Journey into Imagination exhibit. She got the whole dream!

She then realized that, “It’s never too late to make a dream come true.”

Until you get to the end of your life and look back on what you did or didn’t accomplish how do you know if something is realistic? Most people compromise their thoughts down to what they realistically believe they can accomplish before they explore the possibilities of where their dreams might take them. Not Anandi…and not you!

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