Apple Watch Will Be The First Miscues Products In China
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Apple Watch Will Be The First Miscues Products In China

Since April 10, Apple Apple Watch watches scheduled to begin, according to data analysis firm Slice Intelligence reports show that the US market is only April 10 the same day they received 1 million Apple Watch the reservation form. This means that as the first wearable product, Apple Watch impressive in the United States. However, in an opinion poll conducted jointly by Reuters and Ipsos, the 69 percent of Americans had no intention to buy, also in accordance with the penguins think tank Survey: Chinese users of Apple's desire to buy the watch is not high.


As we all know, mobile smart phone era Jobs pioneered, from apple store to iso system from iphone4 to today's iphone6 ​​plus, under the command of a range of products and Apple can be said to be invincible, the performance is quite prominent. The first fiscal quarter ended December 27 of last year, Apple Greater China (including mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan) revenue surged 70 percent from a year earlier, to $ 16.14 billion, on a fiscal fourth-quarter revenue growth of 1 %. Greater China after the United States and therefore become Apple's third-largest market in Europe. iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus is highly sought after consumers. Peng Road Market research firm Canalys research director of China's view is: "This is not only due to Apple's excellent plan, but also thanks to favorable changes in China's emerging consumer trends." Because "Chinese mobile phone consumer brand awareness increasing, this upgrading favorable trend for Apple. "

However, an interesting phenomenon is that, while selling "in full swing" in the US Apple watches and reached the climax of the first day of one million, the other side is China's doors to the cold city, and has been criticized by consumers. Also a product, why has such a sharp contrast? Apple also continues watches called "myth" in China?

Watch whether Apple can open the Chinese market may play on a question mark. First, the user on the Chinese market, consumer demand for China Smart Watch is not strong. According to GfK survey, currently in China, Germany, South Korea and the United Kingdom, on average, only 35% of consumers use smart watch mobile payments of interest only "smart watch American consumers are very interested in mobile payment function, accounting for 40% . "GfK Technology and Digital Solutions Division is in charge of evaluation RobertWucher" Although the major mainstream smart technology companies will watch as the main trend in the future, consumers are still not ready to accept this new product ready. "However," studies show users did not fully understand all the features and applications of wearable devices, and suppliers are lack a comprehensive understanding of consumer demand. "

Secondly, the reason why Apple products in China can be popular, simply because the Apple brand itself carries the brand value, as well as behind the product experience, of course, including Apple's distinctive lifestyle advocated, and unparalleled charisma Jobs etc., have become sought after customers, support, love apple reasons. Even as a kind of faith, we can be seen from the public, said Steve Jobs as "Joe closer." However, it is questionable that, although the same appearance as the Apple products, Apple can really watch what establish its brand value, for people to accept, or even the user is willing to pay for a question. We can do a simple survey of Sino-US comparison.


First look at Slice's report, nearly two-thirds of the orders booked lower price (starting price of $ 349), aluminum materials Sport series, nearly a third of orders booked in stainless steel products (starting price $ 549), while the starting price of $ 10,000 for Edition series did not get a gold watch larger bookings. This means that users tend to buy most of the orders is relatively less expensive Apple watches.

