Causes And Treatment For Bleeding Gums
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Causes and Treatment for Bleeding Gums

Bleeding gums is among the common conditions affecting the oral cavity. The Chinese might have noticed bleeding gums as early as 2500 BC. They termed the associated diseases as "Ya-Kon" which means diseases of soft tissue surrounding the teeth. This problem still continues to affect us even with so many modern facilities available in the field of oral care. Gum disease begins with plaque, a sticky film of food particles, germs and saliva.


If not removed, plaque will settle at the gum line. The germs will produce toxins that makes the gums red, tender and likely to bleed when brushing your teeth. There are chronic conditions and even some medications that can cause plaque to accumulate more quickly. The purpose of daily brushing rinsing and flossing is to clean away this plaque. When this plaque is not removed it can harden into tartar which builds up along the gum line and traps germs below. The mildest form of gum disease is called gingivitis and is the most common.


Let’s take a look at the eight possible causes of gum bleeding.

Gum disease: This is the most common cause for bleeding gums. The initial stage of gum disease is known as gingivitis in which gums become swollen and tender. These bleed upon touch especially during actions such as brushing or eating. Gum disease also known as Periodontal disease occurs due to accumulation of plaque which irritates the gums. If gum disease is not treated initially, it progresses to Periodontitis and finally tooth loss.


Vigorous brushing: Brushing with toothpaste is abrasive in nature. Overzealous brushing does more harm than good to the teeth. In rare cases, overzealous brushing can also cause the gums to bleed but getting healthy gums to bleed by vigorous brushing is rare.


Smoking or chewing tobacco: Smokers tend to have more calculus (Tartar) on their teeth than non-smokers which causes gum disease. The other reason being the irritating effect of tobacco on the gums.


Hormones: Hormone receptors are embedded in gum tissue. If certain hormone levels rise above their normal level, they can cause increase of fluid level in the gum tissue causing them to become red, tender and swollen. These become normal as soon as the hormone levels become normal.


Vitamin K deficiency: Vitamin K is an important factor in the process of blood clotting and its deficiency can cause gums to bleed.


Autoimmune disorders: Autoimmune disorders are disorders in which body’s own immune system damages its own cells. Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, Rheumatoid Arthiritis and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus are a few autoimmune disorders which can cause bleeding gums.


Leukemia: Leukemia is the cancer of bone marrow and white blood cells and one of its characteristic features is bleeding gums.


Drugs: Some drugs such as oral contraceptives, antidepressants, nasal sprays and anticoagulants may have the tendency to cause bleeding gums.


Treatment for Bleeding Gums

The first thing you need to do before looking for bleeding gums remedies is visiting your dentist. If you have an underlying condition that is causing your gums to bleed, that must be treated first. Then you can start looking for home remedies for bleeding gums to help relieve your condition as you treat the underlying cause.


One of the best bleeding gums remedies is proper dental care at home. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush to brush your teeth, and do so after every meal. Floss your teeth two times a day. This helps get more of the plaque away from the gum line. Remember, your toothbrush cannot reach between your teeth.


If you are already doing these things, you can try another home treatment for bleeding gums. Make a solution of hydrogen peroxide and water. Put it in your mouth and swish it around for about a minute. Spit it out and rinse your mouth completely. This can help alleviate the swelling and inflammation that can be a cause of your bleeding gums. You can do the same thing with a salt-water mix. Make sure you do not swallow either one, however, because they can make you sick. These may not be a cure for bleeding gums, but they can help quite a bit.


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If your gums are actively bleeding, soak a piece of gauze in ice water and apply it to the bleeding area with a lot of pressure. This can take away the symptom of bleeding gums temporarily. It works by reducing inflammation.


Things to Avoid When You Have Bleeding Gums

While you are struggling with bleeding gums, there are some things you should avoid. While mouthwashes you can buy over the counter are great in most situations, the ones that contain alcohol can actually aggravate your gums even more. Instead, use the peroxide or salt-water rinse on your teeth.


Do not smoke or chew tobacco. Tobacco causes gums to bleed even more. Also, avoid taking any blood-thinning medications, such as aspirin, if you can do so. If you are on a prescription blood thinner, ask your doctor about it. Let him know that you are having trouble with your gums bleeding, and see if he has a suggestion as to how to fix the problem.


Never ignore your bleeding gums. Talk to your dentist about the potential causes for bleeding gums, and work towards finding your cause. The only cure for bleeding gums is to fix the underlying cause. Once you know the cause and are taking steps towards fixing it, feel free to try some home remedies for bleeding gums to help alleviate your symptoms. Once you have successfully treated the underlying cause, you will no longer have to rely on treatment for bleeding gums and can resume your normal healthy mouth routine.

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