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The Features You Will Enjoy.

Here are some pretty cool features that just might make you want to use SiliconIndia. It just takes a minute to get started
It only takes seconds and is FREE
You can get a blog started in less time than it takes you to read this sentence. All you need is an email address and a name. You can blog as much as you want for free, your blog would be read by million of Indian professionals.
Create strong online professional presence
Your blogs on SiliconIndia adds value and create a strong online professional presence to your profile by displaying your knowledge, thoughts & ideas to the professionals around the world. SiliconIndia has over two million professionals in the community and you can increase your profile visibility when a member search is done by any member by creating your blog.
A great tool for writing
It's easy to create great posts with It gives you a platform to showcase your writing skills to your potential employers, share your ideas and thoughts with millions of professionals and get their view point.
Categorize and tag your posts includes an easy system which allows you to categorize and tag your posts while you write them. We automatically create archives based on your categories and add them to our global tag system and our tag surfer, so you get extra traffic as other people interested in the same topics as you will find your post and leave comments on your blog.
Spell-check, add photos & preview Options
Our built-in rich text editor makes it easy to create great looking posts. An inline spell checker that makes it easy to proof your posts and keep it free from typo error. You can easily add a photo to your blog post by clicking on the image icon in the post editor toolbar. We also have a preview feature that shows you exactly what your post or page will look like before you publish them for the world to see.
Manage your blog posting
SiliconIndia enables it bloggers to decide which comments to be made visible to their blog posting and which shouldn't be. You can also choose the time when do you want to publish your blog posting. It can be done instantly or can be scheduled for later point of time
Get featured on homepage & e-newsletter
SiliconIndia features the high quality blogs on homepage everyday. These blogs are chosen by editorial team after reviewing them. As a featured blogger you also get visibility among two million professionals of SiliconIndia community through SI Dailydose (e-newsletter) which is sent every day to all the members on their email registered with SiliconIndia
Your chance to see yourself in print
Panel of editors at SiliconIndia shortlists the best blog of the month and publish them in the monthly edition of SiliconIndia & TheSmartTechie magazines circulated in US & India. So bloggers with high quality blogs get an oppurtunity to see them in print.
Get help whenever you need it
If you have questions about using or extending your blog, we've got some of the most responsive support around. We've got friendly fellow users in the forums and on our support team who will help you out. Our blog editors are at your help contact them through mail, or call them at 080 - 43112372
High quality blogs through editorial control
SiliconIndia is the only professional blogging site in India which ensures only high quality blogs are published for the readers and filter out the junk content. Panel of editors at SiliconIndia put continuous effort for editorial control on the blogs and also features the best blog in Editor's Choice category to elevate them on top.