The Attention Matters Of Drinking Green Tea
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The attention matters of drinking green tea

Although there are many drinking green tea benefits. But not a kind of health care products can be suitable for all people in the world. The following it is the attention matters of drinking green tea.

1. In half an hour after a meal, it is best not to drink green tea, especially children, because the iron consumption is big for them. It must be very paid attention to.

2. Green tea contains a lot tannic acid. Tannic acid composition will combine with the iron in food molecules, and sediment formation. It will affect the intestinal absorption of iron molecules.

3. For menstrual period, or iron deficiency anemia, it is best not to drink green tea. If drink green tea,it is easy to cause iron loss.

4. it is best not to drink green tea while eat nothing. Because tea polyphenols in green tea and the composition such as theophylline can stimulates the stomach and affect the body health.

5. It is best not to eat medicine with green tea.

Finally, remind you that tea is not a myth and it can not cure all ills.Green tea is a kind of tea which is the most varieties in chinese tea and most consumers in the world. Especially in the summer green tea is the most suitable for drinking! Although there are many effects of drinking green tea. But still want to remind you the attention matters of drinking green tea.
