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Lost a set of key again ?can’t remember a phone number you dial every day ? Don’t be surprised at your inability to remember simple thing ,say behavior expert , who now find that memory power is on the decline due to the bombardment of stimuli and an overload of information .Instead of retaining every thing that comes our way ,most of us are selective about what we memorise . Increasingly ,this ability has reduced to such an extent that our memory banks are nearly empty .The end result :Total dependendence on gadgetry and the inability to recall simple facts easily.the brain processing speed gradually decreasing as people age .Between 25 and 55 , many people begin to experience problems coming up with names or numbers . The memory is there .It just takes longer to retrieve it. What causes memory loss? Says Dr Avdesh Sharma ,Delhi –based psychiatrist who is the director of the Parivarthan Center for mental health , “several phenomena cause this apparent forgetfulness. People are facing an information overload .They watch and read things that have no relevence to their lives .Not all magazines and books can give you wisdom and a large part of the brain is locked with unnecessary information .Every information that the brain has received is never lost unless there is physical destruction .But for information to be retained ,it has to be practised and recorded .Also,it has to be presented attractively for you to remember it.For instance ,you’ll find that a glitzy ad that appeals to all the senses is retained immediately where as drab material that is shabbly written or presented is rarely remembered.” HOW TO IMPROVE MEMORY? MNEMONICS | The basic principal of mnemonicsis to use as a many of the best function of your brain as possible to store information .The brain codes and intercept complex stimuli such as images , colours ,structures ,smell , taste ,touch ,position ,emotion and language .By coding language and numbers in striking images,you can reliably code both content and structure of the information to be remembered and recall these later . Practise | You can boost your memory with just a little practise . Try to remember which day of the week your birthday was .Then extend this to the birthday of all your family members ,criketers ,or important dates in history .Practise will pay off and soon your mind will be sharper and more adaptable. EAT HEALTHY |The best way to protect memory is to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables as they contain antioxidants and nutrients . EXERCISE YOUR BODY AND MIND | Physical exercise not only boost memory but also helps you think faster . A combination of mental and physical activities can protect your memory and help keep you alert . Mental gymnastics are as important as physical ones to preserve brain power .Take up word games like crossword puzzles and acrostics. Memorise peoms, read challenging books or article that encourage you to expand your interests. USE YOUR OTHER HAND | If you are right – handed ,try brushing your teeth or witing your grocery list with your left hand .Any activity that requires you to think and concentrate will challenge your brain. 
