Most Marriages Are Love Marriages Nowadays
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Most Marriages are Love Marriages Nowadays

Chairperson Post Graduate Dept
These days young people fall in love easily as the society is more open and unrestricted. Rules and decorum are no longer holding much water.The young people are more interactive nowadays. This brings the two minds closer. Jobs are one great factor in cementing relationships Life is a struggle. It requires two to make a good family income. The wife is no longer a parasite. Nora in Doll's House of Ibsen is no longer to complain about a woman's want of independence. Self reliance is the demand of both young men and women. This creates better scope for mutual understanding. Most marriages are therefore not merely marriages of convenience, but of true minds. Cooperation and good understanding build up relationships. In offices they share with each other. One cold drink bottle is shared by two (sometimes with one straw) . Love is a bond everlasting. It is heavenly. Now the concept of heaven is no more strong. But the concept of sharing has come in its place. In earlier times a young woman never responds easily if a man wants to give compliments to her. Now they acknowledge even if there is no need to it. Courtesy. Love is a social interchange of views, on a personal level. In most cases the two lover and beloved plan about their future. This is dreaming together - a fantastic idea of living together. All these love marriages become successful. To know each other personally before marriage is courtship which is a usual practice in European society . In India and other South Asian countries love is gradually becoming a popular social bonding. To marry a person by seeing her only for one day and after superficial talks is really painful. It offends the sensibility of an emotional person. Feeling in arranged marriages seems to be missing. Lovers of the world have united, no slogan is needed. Love is a big theme of the modern films everywhere. In this age of science and technology emotional relationship has not declined. This  is a good news for great lovers and for those who never loved before their marriage.
