Siri'S 10
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Siri's 10

As Voice assistant Siri was released, it immediately set off users' infinite inspiration. Facing cunning questions, Siri's answers always let us simmer with laughter. Siri appeared as a voice assistant, should be used rather to solve users' daily life problems, than to act as users' "molested" object. Go down to business, here is Siri's 10 "non-Entertainment"and "serious" use.

1. Siri turned an alarm

This should be a Siri's "serious" use users most likely to think of. Press "Home" button, tell Siri, "wake me up at 7:15 am"; if you want a small nap, say "wake me up 40 minutes later". Related resource: blu-ray to iPhone. As long as you report the accurate time, Siri will be the most easy-to-use alarm clock.

2. looking for cafe with Siri

Many office staffs have the habit of drinking coffee, a cup of coffee can quickly adjust people to working state. When you are out of Home, and want to find a cafe? Siri can handle all this. Tell Siri, find the nearest cafe from the current location. If you have no more requirements, Siri will feedback pretty good answer, it is likely to tell you where the nearest Starbucks is. If Starbucks can not meet your requirements, use a more professional application Yelp, it will give you a more detailed answer.

3. where to go, Siri tell you

You often have to enter a lot of text in the process of finding travel routes. If you want to save trouble, then use the Siri to complete it. Tell the location you want to go, Siri will call Google Maps to find the travel route options. According to the feedback from users who had tested this kind of usage, Siri has not had any errors yet, it just like the GPS.

4. play random music with Siri

If you are tired of the music playlist of the fixed order, you can try to use Siri to play random music. First of all, you need to put the music you like into a "Favorites" playlist. When you start listening to music, tell Siri "play Queen's song". Then, Siri will match Queen's song in the "Favorites" list and play. This realize the random music function.

5. send text messages, Siri do it

Still walk and send text messages? The road is unsafe, text messaging is also strenuous, do it right with Siri afterwards. When you go road, put iPhone near your ear, telling Siri "tell her with a message, I will reach home a little late". iPad tip: blu-ray to iPad. Do not rush, tell Siri the content you want to express, then you can easily send text messages.

6. weather, Siri knows

This is also a feature Siri is very good at. Siri can properly understand the questions about the meteorological information. Would like to know tomorrow's weather? Just ask Siri.

7. remind schedule with Siri

Now that Siri can be used as the alarm clock, of course you can use it to remind the schedule. Many people have the habit of using Google Calendar to schedule all their own agenda. Some little things in life do not need to be added in Google Calendar, there is no need to add every item to Google Calendar, you can handle this problem with Siri. For example, "remind me to brush my teeth at ten o'clock".

8. remind locations with Siri

Siri's function of reminding location is not yet perfect. In addition to "home" or "work place", Siri's ability to understand some location is poor. However, Siri understands the "here" very accurately, that is, the current GPS coordinate position. So you can use Siri's reminder function like this, when you come across a good store, you can mark its location recorded as "here" and set a good reminder to future time so that you can to patronize it once again.

9. Siri answer questions for you

How high is Mount Everest? how much was America's GDP last year? If you cannot answer, then, without Google, ask Siri. Siri itself does not know the answers to these questions, it will find answers from the "quiz engine" Wolfram Alpha. All responses will be presented in the form of natural language. Something amazing: power2go. This is the reason why Siri is considered to be a major threat to Google. Of course, for a long period of time Siri certainly can not replace Google, but its threat to Google is long-term. When Siri is smart enough, people may use it instead of Google.

10. send twitter with Siri

If you are a heavy Twitter user, how can you miss this use of it? However, before you send twitter with Siri, you have to do some necessary settings.

