Competency Mapping And Psychometric Assessments
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Competency Mapping and Psychometric Assessments

Assessment Expert PAC
Of late, more and more companies are focusing towards something called as "Talent Mapping and Management". Talent refers to the "Knowledge Capital" which is nothing but the people who work for these companies. Mapping refers to mapping the competencies of individuals with their respective job expectations. Talent Management refers to managing their employees in terms of performance, training, promotion etc.

The reason for this paradigm shift in policy owes to the fact that, today; companies are more interested in quality rather than quantity, efficiency rather than effort. Also, they want to make the best use of their existing resources at all levels of the organization. To know this, they need to first ascertain as whether the existing employees possess the required competencies to perform the existing job. The inference can be either one of the 3 cases viz. "Meets Expectations,"Exceeds Expectations", "Falls short of Expectations".

Ideally, people who belong to the first category (Meets Expectations) are the ones who are capable of performing the job correctly. People of the second category are the ones who not only can perform the job correctly, but can also be escalated to a level higher than the present job. The category (Fall short of Expectations) is the worrisome lot. Within this category, there are 2 goups of people viz. Trainable and Non-Trainable. The Trainable group are the ones which can be trained and re-deployed to perform their jobs. The Non-Trainable group are the ones which require counseling and maybe alternative career paths (that suits their competency levels) can be suggested.

One good way (may not be the ideal way) for companies who wish to do Competency Mapping is to run Psychometric assessments across the board and based on the inferences (reports) can take suitable measures to fix the issues, if any.

There are several Psychometric assessments available in the market. A few of the assessments that are currently used by the corporates are:

* Personal Profile Analysis (PPA) from Thomas International
* 16 Personality Factors from OPP
* Occupational Personality Questionnaire (OPQ) from SHL
* SOSIE from Pearson
* Elements, Dimensions and MultiView from Talent Q

Here's a presentation that people interested in Competency Mapping and Psychometric Assessments might find useful.

Presentation on Competency Mappping and Psychometric Assessments (Download by clicking the link beside)

If anybody is interested to know more about this, they can feel free to write to me -
