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Do stay in God

Without any one in between.


Not even a word.


True to say,

No one and nothing can be in between,

Except you.


Seed will

Directly communicate

With soil, air and water.


No one can be

More softer to share with

And more broader

To accommodated you safe

Than God.


God is so soft a pillow yours,

Simple and all encompassing.


In every one he stays

And in him stays everyone.


No one can be below him

And no one can be beyond him.


No one can be more-knowing him

And no one can be less-knowing him.



To say God (Allah) needs some others’ support

To interpret or market him and his words is

Equal to belittling God (Allah).


It could be okay to say so of God,

If one is able to consider and say

God is in everyone and everywhere

And every one and everything is

The words and books of God.


So, a concept of God

Doing and undoing God,

In both real and unreal,

At both ends, as the end and means,

As both the lion and goat,

As both exposed and unexposed in equal terms,

As both exposing and not exposing in equal terms,

As the pronouncer, pronounced and the interpreter,

In the form of God, universe

And incarnation or interpreter.


To mean nothing and no one without him.

And everything and everyone within him.


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It is impossibly very ugly to have, or to think of, a God

As the one who is unable to accommodate all equally

Or as the one who always is at failure/defeat end

To reach and accommodate all.


Also it is also impossibly very ugly to have, or to think of, a God

As the one eagerly wanting to get him marketed,

Making many attractive offers and schemes,

Through many of his agents, than him,

And to show his wrath and discrimination

When get failed or defeated

In such all his marketing efforts.


For sure,

If God should,

He show all his wrath and discrimination

To him/God only.

As he is at both ends….


It is very impossibly ugly to have, or to think of, a God

Who can’t be equally understood and accessed by all,

And who is eagerly waiting, under immense pressure,

To punish those who can’t understand and access him.


My God is my soul

And my soul is my God.


Never imagine of a situation

You not accommodating your soul

And your soul not accommodating you


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Islam, as propagated in the name of

Present day available Islam, Mohammed and Quran,

Presents a God of this level, at failure,

With all his effort to market

With great many schemes and offers

And threatening with much greater punishments.


So is Islam, as a religion of a failed God,

Or depicted as failed God,

Becoming so intolerant.

Like any defeated one.


And this type of Islam can’t agree,

And can’t go along, with

The other view of all-equally-accommodating God.


Rather, this present day Islam and its followers, Muslims,

Would hate any one to death, if he ever attempts to say

God is equally there in every one

And every one is equally there in God

And God is, for no doubt, at both ends,

As he is the end and means.


Just for the fear of loss of political or social of communal hold.

Just because of its identity crisis.


This is not only the case of Islam

But is of almost all the Semitic religions.




To say God cannot talk in the way man can understand

And, again to say that,

All of us have to look towards one and the same direction

And have to pray in one and only language,

With one and only content of the prayer,

Is a big allegation against and belittling of God?


And to say that the interpreters can

Talk and explain better than God

Is again another big allegation against and belittling of God.


In this way, they do mean to say that,

These interpreters are super Gods to God,

And unless they come with their support to God,

God, by himself, will be a failure,


To give this meaning, they openly tend to say that

Without their interference and interpretation

God and his words

Can’t be understood and accessed.


What helplessness to their God!!!

Purely a weak alien God.




Meantime, their faith will advocate to them that

It is the same God

Who designed and created humans and human mindset.

But, what to say,

The same God can’t come up with a book of words

(Or with enough numbers of books

Of his words in enough numbers of languages)

That is easily digestible and understandable

To his own creation and its mindset designed by him

Is a big allegation against and belittling of God.




To think otherwise is far better.

Everything godly.

In everything and everyone, God.

Nothing without God.

All equally God and God’s.


No words other than that of God.

Nothing other than God and God’s.

Be it tough or easy.

All just one and from one.

Many but one.

One but many.

Just the difference between reality and illusion.

Reality is one (God);

Whereas illusion (us) can be many

About and from the same one.


*********  ********


Mohammed did not do or claim any magic.

It is only his followers wanted (for him) to claim magic

On him and on Quran.

Neither with his words nor with Quranic words

He did any magic in Mekkah.


Quran and Islam were not in his mind and plan.

And both came in to be

After he got to be successful, eventually,

Especially with politics, by mistake or accident.

He was a natural mystic, and further made to be a mystic,

By the circumstance that was around him

Alienating him from social fabric.


Any mystic can be deviating as well, this way,

After he happened to be once a mystic,

If he ever happens afterwards to be,

By compulsions or impulses,

After  material glory and path,

For whatever reason or with whatever reason.


And this deviation has not to be attributed to his

Gain and achievement due to such mystic nature.

And it is not a must, and it is rarest of rare,

A mystic to be successful materially

In material glory and gain,

Unless he deviates or misled by himself

By compulsions or impulses.


To be a mystic or spiritual

Do not mean anything else

Than one’s becoming true to himself

And becoming face to face,

Or  becoming one (in unison),

With him, truth and God.


Getting lost of a gap/layer

Between the world inner and outer


Seed’s losing of seed nature

To sprout and grow to be a plant/tree


*******  ********


Walking with Mohammed, it is easier to understand.

Initially he was nowhere,

At least, up to 53 of his age, materially speaking,

And for more than 13 years

After his so-claimed prophet-hood.


After his said to be prophet-hood,

There, he happened to be involved in some politics.

The circumstances and its pressure,

Made him to involve in such politics,

By which we happen, or are made, to see

What we see as present day Islam and Qur’an.


He happened to be involved in some politics initially.

That too after 53 of his age,

And after he escaped to Medina.

And, thereafter, the same politics

And the power availed through that politics

Made him, the present day Islam and Quran

As we see them today.


That is why, materially he was a big failure during his life

Till he completed his 53 in Makkah.

Be it is with his own words or words of Quran.

He got very few friends there,

Because of more of his mystic way of living.


He was nowhere in social spectrum.

The history, what we hear and read,

Is the history written,

After he (and so-called Islam) actually happened to be successful,

Under political supervision.

Not written, walking with him in his life.


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In his 25, if he was, some how forced, to marry

45 year old lady of many children,

What will it mean?

That too in such an old Arab time.

At least, see the fact that

He had to wait for his own marriage

Up to 25 years of his age during that old time.


It was not only because of his self alienating mystic nature

But also because of the alienation

He had to face from the society for many reasons.

No one can even claim

He was ever proposed to any other virgin

Before his first marriage in his 25, to 45 year old women

Of many children (20 years older than him).


He did not enjoy good status and respect

From the society of his time.

Not because of his personal faults.

But, mainly because of his own poor orphan nature and upbringing.

No magic and no attributed beauty and romantics in it.


When he was 25, at the age of marriage,

He was not a prophet too.

But after 40, till 53, in Mekkah,

With his first marriage, to a women 20 years older than him,

He was a prophet, as said to be.


He managed his life,

Or he could some how manage his life

And material sustenance,

With the support, care and money power

Of his first old wife.

This might have alienated him again

From the social fabric of male supremacy,

Which, as a result, might have strengthened his alienation

To make him to be more mystic and meditating,

Leading him to be alone in the cave Hira,

Away from kinds of social interactions,

As the history says.


And materially, he could revenge this past history,

If he felt, he was denied,

Celebrating many marriages, later on,

After his first old wife’s death,

After he was almost 52 or 53

And when he could escape from Mekkah. 


His all other marriage (numbering to total of 12)

Took place after the death of his first old wife

And after he has escaped to Medina

And could find some success,

Eventually, accidentally, as a politician or organizer in Medina

Deviating little away from his original mystic nature.


Only after going to Medina,

Or after politicizing and resorting to war and fight,

Against his own mystic nature of earlier life,

He became successful as we know of him today.

But that was not because of the magic of his or Quran’s words.

There worked a good organizer and politician in him, by chance.


Quran became Quran of today

And Islam became Islam of today

Because of power and politics,

That came together with and afterwards.

That too after nearly 10 to 15 years of Mohammed’s death.


With the power in hand,

Quiet simply and logically,

Other facts and versions could be suppressed.

Easily becoming intolerant with and for the slogan and faith of

Mohammed is the last prophet and Quran is the last book.

To the extend that they could kill and suppress any one

With any kind of difference of opinion or different version

Or any one who claimed to be saying his own truth

Or claimed to be another prophet after Mohammed.


(For the reason of its stand,

Islam is the only path, Quran is the only Book

And Muhammed is the only prophet to be followed)


If Mohammed was to be successful because of the Quran and its divine force,

He should have been successful in Makkah itself

And he should not have to migrate/escape to Madina.


It is a big limitation on Quran that

It could not address the major share

(More than 90%) of the people of the world of that time,

Even when it is claimed to be the last book from God.


It is a big limitation on Mohammed,

As the claimed to be last prophet, that

He could not address the major share

(More than 90%) of the people of the world of that time,

Before his death, even when he is claimed to be

The last prophet and Qur’an is the last book from God.


Better would be to say that

God has no last and first.

God never puts a full stop,

Not even a comma.


God is in continuity and flow.




This claim of last prophet and last book is

What makes all Muslims to be

Equally extremis-tic and intolerant.


They are bound to believe that

No one else can talk truth after Mohamed and Quran.

If at all any one needs to talk anything,

That should be in the way of

Following and interpreting Muhammed and Quran

(Some how belittling both Quran and Mohammed)


God we know,

In whom we live and die,

Neither makes any full stop

Nor even any comma….


He is ever talking

Through all the tongues


Or he is never talking

With any tongue.


****** *******


Seed will grow

To be a tree

In the same soil

Sucking the same water

Spreading to the same air.


To make the soil, water, air and seed

One and the same

And to mean seed is nothing

But soil, water and air.
