Prostitute On Confidence And Optimism - Part -4
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Prostitute on Confidence and Optimism - Part -4

Part – 4 - Present & Current - That is the fate - Confidence and Optimism (Continued)

“Dear Madom
The way to gain confidence and optimism?

Sprout the seed
Mere possibility will become sheer reality
Bare imagination will become sure practice.
Egg of stagnance will be made to be the chicks of movements

Sprout the seed
Past will become present and current
And future of no-confidence will be brought into
Present and current of confidence –
Of touch and reality.

Don’t think seed is only a seed.
It is past and in it lies the past
Conceiving the present.
And with that, and with present in it,
You can catch the future.

Knowledge is past, the bow.
Practice is its sprouting, the arrows.
The arrows - the present - goes out to catch its prey.
And the prey that the present will catch and swallow is the future
Making the same also to be present and current.

The arrows seek for novelty
In and with which
The confidence and optimism grows up.
It may and could also be
Diverted into finding the real one of no-time and mood
The one which is and will be all the same, all the time.

(to be continued .....)
