Tips For Active Listening
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Tips for Active listening

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There is a difference between listening and hearing

Listening: Needs a conscious effort

Hearing: Does not needs a conscious effort

Experts say Active listening is nothing but, Keeping your mouth shut while other party is talking .Active listening helps you capture what the other side had to say while signaling that your are alert and eager to hear what the other side had on its mind. Here is some tips for being an active listener. They will help you’re in any type of negotiation:-

· Keep your eyes on the speaker

· Take notes

· Don’t allow yourself to think about anything but what the speaker is saying

· Resist the urge to formulate your response untill after the speaker has finished

· Pay attention to the speaker ‘s body language

· Ask questions to get more information and to encourage the speaker to continue

· Repeat in your own words what you’ve heard to ensure that you understand and to let the speaker know that you’ve processed his or her words the other seems uncomfortable with your initial questions offer to talk about one or two points

· When an issue seems to make another negotiator tense, acknowledge the thorniness of the issue

· Don’t feel the pressure to close a deal too quickly. Instead generate options that offer mutual gain.
