HTML 5 Overview - Introduction To HTML 5
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HTML 5 Overview - Introduction to HTML 5

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HTML 5 is the next evolution of the Web and includes many more tags and elements for rich media content. In practice, HTML5 is starting to become a reality. Internet Explorer 8, Firefox 3, Safari 3.1, as well as niche browsers like Opera and Chrome, have already implemented partial support but it will be a year or 2 before HTML5 is supported universally.

HTML 5 Overview - Introduction to HTML 5

Many key players are participating in the W3C effort including representatives from the four major browser vendors: Apple, Mozilla, Opera, and Microsoft. A draft of the HTML5 spec was released in 2008 and parts of it are now showing up in browsers. At first glance it looks to be a programming language like PHP, but not so, it is still an XML based language.

The implementation of new tags and elements, a richer experience will emerge on the Web with some new features.

Embedded Audio and Video: You can create rich, interactive photo galleries by combining CSS 2D and 3D transforms with CSS transitions and use CSS gradients to add a highlight and/or shadow to your images.

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