People Deliver? Their Liver? Just Imagine The Enormous Pressure, For Delivering What? Achieving An Award, A Reward Or An Due Wor
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People Deliver? Their Liver? Just Imagine The Enormous Pressure, For Delivering What? Achieving An Award, A Reward or An Due Wor

Far East Sourcing
People Deliver? Their Liver? Just Imagine The Enormous Pressure, For Delivering What? Achieving An Award, A Reward or An Due Worth? No, Not Fair At All


Before venturing any further, the captioned title does not literally mean the action of delivering – deliverance or imposition – rather it is above how gradually over a period of time acquiring certain habitual tendencies and irregularities and an undisciplined approach towards living, an individual may ignorantly and negligently tend to in the long run hurt one’s ownself and others at not having taking adequate care earlier on in life as well as deliberately carrying enormously heavy weights and burdens of anxieties and hyper tensions – resentments, anger, bitterness, jealousy, envy, suppression of one’s emotions and feelings incessantly, when knowing what they were doing could lead to something unimaginable perhaps – yet going ahead ignorantly and carelessly, seeking to cast aside all warning and alarms regretfully?


In some other instances, upon professional legitimately qualified medical advice, certain individuals may tend to donate a part of their liver to their near and dear ones – relatives – friends and others in desperate need of liver transplantation. They become the angels in the lives of the recipients for truly they are undertaking a noble initiative of sustaining another precious life its sacred right to live gloriously in this wonderful Universe healthily and joyfully, truly nothing compares to life, life is absolutely magnificent and extremely precious.

Never Sell Your Liver – NEVER

There is only one word of advice which is NEVER, NEVER and NEVER ever sell your liver since it is completely illegal and the liver is an extremely essential and vital organ for your healthy living please. Words cannot describe or explain the incredible importance and significance of each and every organ that we have please. Our organs are priceless and are NOT for sale please. We are the caretakers of our organs and have been entrusted this sacred responsibility of nurturing them with profound care, compassion, conscious awareness, diligence, dignity, love, respect, sincerity and responsibility please. Also kindly and carefully remember, there are somethings that money could never buy and your good health and wellness if one of them please, never barter or exchange your wellness and goodness for calamities or take any steps that may jeopardize or cause any risks to yourself and others please.


People deliver enormous pressure to their liver either through carrying extremely heavy weights, or enormous hyper tension, through excessive consumption of alcohol, smoking, obesity – fatty liver or ingestion of illicit substances and the challenging negative tendencies associated with harboring anger, bitterness, envy, hatred, jealousy, resentment and suppression of their emotions and other similar range of unexplainable causes and factors respectively. How far can the above be true? Time will tell but definitely not worth incurring since we wish for one and all to be healthy, wealthy and happy always, God Bless.


The questions come forth whether some of us are deliberately adding on? incrementing and causing so many complexities in our lives ignorantly and negligently please? Sometimes, some of us may know somethings and still think that one more glass of alcohol, one more cigarette, one more binge of over eating or other irregular and undisciplined habits could probably not affect? or actually affect and tremendously effect and cause a ripple – crescendo of effects – reaching and affecting us so intensively that we may not even be aware of anything at all -all in the silence, the intensification of somethings we may not be aware about? It does not have to be the above only, it could be something else but who knows what? It could be the smallest or the most simplest of things and the most harmless and negligent of things that could probably little by little keep building up and incrementing – and then what? Nothing can be taken for granted especially our health and wellness – our well being please. We need to be consciously aware and live a purposeful life with due diligence, prudence, sincerity and responsibility please, nothing is too small or too large to be disregarded or scorned upon please.


Whether participating in a contest or seeking to train for a tournament or athletic championship or for that matter anything else, could carrying all the enormous weights actually help in one’s lifetime please? What happens within is a big question mark since over a period of time, gradual affect and impact ensues and then what to do, an individual may rush in a state of panic upon realization of what has been discovered and plead – appeal for healing and miraculous cures but then at so many a times, the individuals intuition may have been alerting them about the need for precaution and they sought to overlook all the warning signs and dangers please?


Agreed that each individual may claim that their organs belong to them and how can anyone else tend to reprimand, chide or suggest anything to them – but what if the respective suggestions are for their own goodness and wellness please?


They may carry all the resentment and grudges and indulge in splurging extravagantly upon ingesting enormously heavy diets that are not nutritious or suitable for themselves as well as the indiscriminate – excessively over consumption of alcoholic beverages and cigarettes?


There maybe multitude of things or thinks, each playing a significant role and influencing an individual’s health significantly and by the time they actually realize, alas, it maybe too very late? Really hope not, sincerely hoping they will seek to pro actively and preventively adopt and pursue a healthy and nutritious lifestyle, seek to take rest on time and keep one’s self relaxed and calm, practice compassion and forgiveness, letting go off any anger, rage, hatred, envy, bitterness, resentment as well as avoiding suppression of one’s emotions please.


The point of this articles is not intending to attack or defame or cast a wrong opinion on any aspect or to accuse anything but humbly seeking to appeal and reach across to one another to please kindly do what you do in balance, in moderation – do not excessively indulge in somethings that they tend to hurt you or others please since for some of us, one person is the sole breadwinner of the Family and then God forbid if anything happens to that one individual, the complete Family is helplessly left stranded and in a state of shock and sheer sorrow – they cannot afford to even remotely think of any tragedy or any such circumstances – situations and scenarios due to the sheer weight of their commitments, obligations, overheads and responsibilities – they may be having to pay so much at each instance and earning so meager – barely enough to survive each month – just breaking through, from hand to mouth, barely surviving and they cannot afford to be onslaught with any such calamities please. Leave alone that or anything else, no one whosoever, whatsoever, howsoever wishes to be afflicted with any diseases please. So then why deliberately deliver pain, pressure, suffering and enormous challenges upon one’s ownself and others please?


Whatever you do, remember it is your choice and you remain liable for your thoughts, actions and expressions. The consequences will ultimately seek accountability and so many things in life are truly precious and so are you and others as well please, kindly take care, be consciously aware, diligent, prudent, responsible, sincere and wise please, God Bless.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless

Peace, Love and Light,

Compassion, Dignity, Respect, Love, Light and Wisdom,


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