The Clothes Which Was Soaked In The Rain Should Be Cleaned As Soon As Possible Sell RS Gold
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The Clothes Which Was Soaked In the Rain Should Be Cleaned As Soon As Possible Sell RS Gold

There are a lot of bacteria in the rain. If people rain for a long time, Sell RS Gold the bacteria in the rain will erode the skin, which may cause erythema, papules, severe blisters, or swelling. Therefore, in the rainy days, you have to avoid staying in the rain or soaking in the water for a long time. After back home, you have to going to shower and bath as soon as possible and you should use the bath liquid which have the bactericidal effect. In addition, if your feet soaked in the rain for a long time, you can use the saline to soak your feet for half an hour, and then take a bath.


As mentioned above, there are many bacteria in the rain. Some women stay in heavy rain for a long time, the body must be wet. Soaked underwear would be close to private parts, and it is easy to let bacteria enter into the vagin to gynecological diseases. After returning, female should clean the whole body clearly, and also need use the special care solution to clean the nakedness and rinse.


The clothes which was rained should be disinfected as soon as possible, because of the there are a variety of pollutants in the atmosphere in the rain. When the rain is heavy, most of people wade to home; the cloths must be attached by a lot of dirty things. At this time, you should take off the clothes as soon as possible, and put them in another side to clean.


The impact of heavy rain will make a variety of sludge and debris brought together in the ground, so the quality of the water will be affected greatly. The cooked food which was soaked in the rain could not be eaten. Vegetables and fruits should be eaten after the cleaning process or peeling treatment. In particular, you should be careful not to drink unboiled water, especially in rural fringe areas of the open pit. Hands must be washed before eating.


In addition to the foot injury in menstruating women cannot cross the muddy rain. Particularly prone to lead to menstrual wade acute annexitis, lower abdominal pain and swelling, menstrual disorders, constantly dripping, can lead to serious uterine bleeding. Unfortunately this rain it is recommended that girls find a place to take a hike waiting for the rain completely stopped and then goes.
