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Some like prairie fire which burned me but didn’t destroy,

Others like shields, under which I flourished.


We celebrated ourselves, for what was mine was theirs and theirs was mine,

We grew alongside the lake, on full moon, the moon’s shimmering light burst violently along with the fluids from our plunges.


Years passed, they walked away with each setting sun.

Where once spread violet bush flowers, now lay barren their twigs cracking with each touch.

As I wandered spring suddenly changed to winter,


Now, there is loneliness; the autumn twilight is here.

Deep seclusion and appalling chambers, where contemplation dwells,

I hastened to the spot where I had come, that I might find their presence


That I may find my friends…


It was the end of winter and spring showed signs of rebirth,

Where the twigs crackled under my feet now grew fresh shrubs of violet flowers.

The lake that once froze now bust with life below.


I plunged into the lake deep to its bottom,

The sight of fish swimming all around yellow, red and blue,

The colors of chrome closing in on me and then fading out into the dark abyss beyond.


The weeds below swayed to and fro, as though they danced to the tune of my vulnerability.

Suddenly a hand moved from above, hauling me up


‘How long did you plan to stay in there, my friend? Said the girl with light brown eyes.


We walked and talked and we laughed, and at times our silent spoke of our sorrows.

When the sun sank, we promised to meet as soon as it arise.


I think I found a friend …..

