The Annals Of Tablet PC Industry In 2011
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The Annals of Tablet PC industry in 2011

2011 PC industry was an ill-fated year, and also was a phoenix nirvana year.Low margin was already an indisputable fact in the whole PC industry. In terms of business judgment, even the world's largest PC vendors HP were considered to spin-off or sale PC business this year, in the natural disasters, Japan earthquake was still repercussions, Thailand floods hit PC industry hard again, the out of stock of PC hard drives tested again the enterprise adaptability; in personnel change, jobs has died, Liu Chuanzhi left office, the PC industry future is fraught with uncertainty.

1. iPad Tablet raised World War

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List reasons: in 2011, this year is still only iPad years and not is the Tablet year.But the iPad's success spawned a number of new products, which has brought shock for Tablet market. PC makers, including Lenovo, ASUS, Sony, has successively introduced its flat panel products. But it's worth noting that all the Tablet products have a the same shortcoming, they can not support the mainstream videos, for example, the ipad only can support mov file and mp4, if you want to play other videos on ipad, the best way is to use a dvd to ipad converter.

Reporters comment: the major PC manufacturers are working on the mind of the consumer, want to determine whether they want Tablet PC, or just want to iPad.

2 HP split PC business

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List reasons: while HP didn't split the PC business, but on August 18, the HP CEO Lee Iacocca announced that the company considered split PC business, did let PC industry by surprise. Two months later, the new CEO Meg Whitman announced that after careful evaluation, decided to give up the split of PC business.

Reporters comment: Hewlett-Packard is more and more like once the big blue IBM.

3 Intel want to promote Super Note

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List reasons: in May 2011, a super-this concept is thrown by Intel. Subsequently, including ASUS, Toshiba and other manufacturers have launched an under $ten thousand Super Note." In the first quarter of 2012, dozens of Super appeared on the market. The second half of 2012 will hit the mainstream enterprise acceleration period, the price will be reduced. After Windows8 launched, may make application of a super-this experience is even more perfect. Three years later, over 70% of persons will use Super Note. "Intel officials judged. He also said that the Super Note has good compatibility than the ipad, it can connect with any mobile devices, it does not need a like ipad to ipad transfer this third party software.

Reporters comment: the spread of Hyper-extremely will achieve, at that time Intel is officially among the mobile market.

4 LIU Chuanzhi left office

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Listed reason: Liu not only is Lenovo's old captain, is preacher in the PC industry. On November 2, two years after the reunification in Lenovo Group, he again hided from the post of Chairman and put more energy into legend's career. Selecting the successor, given appropriate responsibilities and rights, and then completely letting it go.

Journalist comments on: next depends on how new CEO Yangyuanqing to prove myself and pay back the LIU and deploy them usefully.

5 Thailand floods impact PC production capacity

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List reasons: in 2011, the natural disasters brought unprecedented hit to the globalization of the PC industry. Japan Quake fallout open, Thailand floods let hard drives and Flash feel hopeless.

Reporters comment: natural disasters have big impact on the industry, industry review was proud of the "global village" model, tested PC enterprise adaptability.

6 Wintel Alliance split

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Listed reason: because there is an urgent need to make a counterattack in the mobile space, Microsoft hoped with Windows 8 system to show their power, so can't wait to increase support for the ARM architecture. On September 14, 2011, the head of Microsoft Windows shidifen•xinluofusiji stressed that its new operating system Windows 8 will support the ARM architecture, breaking the rule of the Intel X86 for Windows systems over the years. For a close ally of "betrayal", Intel did not show weakness, in the IDF fall Congress at the same time, Paul Otellini announced they will have a partnership with Google, future versions of the Android system will provide support on Intel chips.

Reporters comment: two companies that founded and ruled the PC industry technology giant would go their separate ways in the future, the shape of the same character. Has once again proved an enduring business logic for the industry: no permanent friends, only permanent interests.
