How To Judge The Best PHP Developer For Your Project?
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How to judge the best PHP developer for your project?

Junior Executive
The demand for PHP developers has increased drastically in the present times. PHP offers the web developers robust platform to develop sturdy web applications. The same has led the corporate organizations to hire talented and skilled PHP developers for their project. And these days Google and other search engines seems to have an answer for any requirement. Just type in the search box and you will be welcomed by hundreds of dedicated PHP developers. The problem of quality PHP Developers Though there is a number of PHP experts, there may be a shortage of hot shots PHP developers who have the technical expertise and the market knowledge, to come up with the best quality web applications. Provided below is the criteria by which you can ensure that the PHP expert that you hire for your project is adequately skilled and trained, to handle the requirements of your web project. Understand the Requirements of your project To begin with, you need to understand your own requirements. It may get quite over whelming, while opting for web application development and you may fail to draw that line. You may wish to have all the popular features in your website, but that is not how the scenario really works. Understand your requirements and the type of expertise you would require. Other that developing the website, do you also require open source CMS integration? This analysis will do you a great deal in searching the right PHP developer for the job. Pay attention to their experience The general rule of thumb – more the experience, better the developer is. The process of custom web development tends to get a bit cumbersome and tedious over the time and thus you require the mature hands of a seasoned PHP developer to take care of the web development. However, review the candidates on their capabilities. There have been times where the young and earnest college graduates have surprised one and all with their innovation and out of the box approach. Technical Expertise Technical expertise is a must when it comes to hiring the developer. Make sure that the PHP developer that you choose is also proficient with MySQL and have the understanding of HTML, AJAX frameworks and JavaScript etc. This will provide you with a multi faceted approach towards developing the website. Also pay close attention to how the developer can address the concerns pertaining to data security and hacking. Certifications and Portfolio There are certain certificates each of the web developers are supposed to have. Check out the certificates that your PHP developer has, and of course, the more the merrier. Certificates play an important role and affirming the authenticity and reliability of the PHP developer. Besides, you must give due attention to their portfolio. Quiz them on their previous work, what all technologies they used, what was the scope of the project, the feed back of the clients etc, before taking the final call. You may also include other factors like communication skills, working hours etc, depending on the nature of your project. Hire PHP developers at ValueCoders for all kind of PHP web development and application development needs. Expert PHP developers at ValueCoders also work on all kind of frameworks.