"Be Positive And Be Creative"
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"Be Positive and Be Creative"

Every employer wants their prospective employees more creative and positive in nature. Positive thinking and creativity are blended together and brings up maximum productivity at work. Have you thought of leaving your chair appreciated? Once you cracked the formula of emotional intelligence, it will be easy for you to stay appreciated wherever you are and whatever you do. In order to move ahead, you must come up with new thoughts and approaching to explore new areas of success.

There are so many hardships and hurdles, one should surpass in life. Most of us struggle to keep up the emotional balance while few cracked the code of staying tuned. You might pass through many bad experiences which caused instability in you. But, every problem you pass is just like a signal waves which reach to air, as you tune your best FM signal, you must be tuned to the positive experiences which can help you keep going ahead. Setting your receiver as positive thinking, you will be able to tune your best.

While reading Vandana Singhal in Wisdom Times, I have found best ways to keep up your mental stability which helps you to be perfect at work:

Listen to Music Excerpts:

Listening to this universal language will help you keep smiling and communicate better, a new scientific study has revealed in their published article, “Babies' Brains Benefit from Music Lessons, Even Before They Can Walk and Talk”. As we are moved by music, this language of emotions effects on face. If you perceive happy music excerpt, your facial emotion will be pleasant. It is better listen a happy music before you meet your boss.

Try Handicraft or Artworks  :

Lacking talents doesn’t mean you cannot do that. In my personal experience, drawing is something which is not in my talent lists, but when I challenged myself to draw something for my ever best Dad, I could do it better. It proved me there is nothing left impossible if we try. It may take a lot time to start, just jump into it trying some artworks. Also watching some creative artworks also gives a visual perception.

Take the first step:

Creativity is not just one step away, but of course on your door bell. Obstacles comes in your way is the bell it rings, just get out of your way taking the first step for doing something different as it will be bringing a great creativity in future.

Set deadlines and try meeting them:

When you plan to do something, you should offer a treat for yourself. Also set a time to finish work and try finishing it in time, later you will turn this as your best habit, likewise your creativity will be tuned in that way.

Brain storming:

For doing any kind of work, brainstorming is must. It will bring the best output. Once you set a goal, note down all the words coming in your mind. You can also write work planning, whom to meet and where to go. Also talking with people will also help you.

Divert your mind:

When you are completely blank to make a creative effort, it is necessary to divert your mind from the assigned work. Try something entirely different- a 180 degree turning. Have a look on newspaper or watch a film.

Go for a walk / just dance it / sing it:

Though, walking, dancing and singing are the best ways to divert your mind, you should not walk through this. Go for a walk to walk. Walk the way you walked through your life and observe more you see. Keep your mind fresh. While you dance or sing, your mind will be trying to draw out harmony. Go for it.

Day off:

Taking an off day from your normal work life may help giving an experience of coolness while you are loading tensions at work.

Chit chats with family & friends:

For being positive, you should assure yourself that you live in the comfort zone where you live happily with family and friends. Also it will assure them, you care about them, and of course, they will be there to offer you the best. It will tune a positive atmosphere around you. Keep going, to meet those life goals you dreamed off confronting difficult feelings.
