"7" Hooks To Capture Social Media Conversation
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"7" hooks to capture Social Media Conversation

Sales Director
See interview of Vinod  Mehra

In 2010,  Interbrand – a global branding consultancy estimated Coca-Cola brand value to be USD 70 Billion at number  1,  followed by IBM at USD 64 Billion and Microsoft at 3rd place at USD 60 billion.   But the Social Media is changing the paradigm and shifting the power from corporate to people.  Coca-Cola with an estimated brand value at USD 70 Billion must  listen to what people talk on the social media.   With such colossal brand values the challenges are colossal ?

  • How can businesses listen to the conversations of their brand and products on the  web ?
  • How can they monitor and track conversations ?
  • How can they respond to such conversation ?
  • How can they launch or customize their products based on such conversation ?

Organization need to know what’s being said about their brand, and products online.  Intelligence about online conversations is critical.  And the best response would be to adopt processes using industry best tools to promptly sniff, track, engage and respond to such conversation.  And  am sharing  Seven web tools to shake hands with  such challenges.

www.Brandwatch.com:  Brandwatch was born out of a project in 2004 to build a web crawler for the UK Government. However once the project was completed, with the backing of Business Angels the technology  was shaped into the first version of Brandwatch.

Now in version 4, Brandwatch is one the leading monitoring and capturing tools that helps customers  across the globe to discover, understand and respond to the comments made about them in all forms of social media. This is a priced service with  reporting and an automated sentiment features.

www.Addictomatic.com : Addictomatic searches the best live sites on the web for the latest news, blog posts, videos and images. It searches your keywords or brands from across the Web, including Flickr, YouTube, Digg, as well as all the traditional social media platforms.  It keeps up with the hottest topics, perform ego searches and feed your addiction for what's up, what's now or what other people are feeding on. 

I find it very addictive because it displays results in boxes reflecting individual social sites and you are given the option to customize your page by moving around the source boxes. When you're done, bookmark the page and keep coming back to your personalized results dashboard for that search.

www.socialmention.com : It is a social media search and analyst platform that aggregates users generated content from across the globe into a single stream of information.

It allows you to easily track and measure what people are saying about you, your company, a new product, or any topic across the web's social media landscape in real-time. Social Mention monitors 100+ social media properties directly including: Twitter, Facebook, FriendFeed, YouTube, Digg, Google etc.  It is one of the most mature monitoring platform which can provide you with a complete summary about our brand with details like strength, sentiment, reach and passion. You can also set up free E-Mail alerts for your keywords (similar to Google alerts).

www.radian6.com:   Founded in 2006, Radian6 was created with the idea that companies need to be listening to the social web in order to effectively participate.  It lets you listen, engage, and plan in one application.  It Monitor the performance of all your brands, services, and keywords across every social network platform simultaneously.

radian6 extends its  search to include blogs, forums, photo and video sites, comments, and millions of other sites on the Web.  radian6 aggregates data from all across the Internet, filters and segments it, and reports and charts it for you based on a host of user definable and selectable metrics. 

www.howsociable.com : HowSociable provides a simple way to measuring your brand’s visibility on the social web. It can be used to find out how visible your brand is online, all you have to do is to type in your keywords and it gives you a detailed visibility score of your brand across 32 social media sites.  Howsociable also helps you to know where on the web your brand is strongest and what the awaiting opportunities are. It can also act as a benchmark for your brand and can be used to keep track of your competitors. You can also receive your reports through E-mail.

www.whostalkin.com : WhosTalkin.com is a social media search tool that allows you to search for conversations surrounding the topics that you care about most. Whether it is your favorite sport, favorite food, celebrity, or your company's brand name; Whostalkin.com helps you join in on the conversations that you care about most. It takes data from over 60 of the internet's most popular social media gateways  and display it to you through carefully designed interface and well organized user experience. It also provides you the facility to reflect the results in Excel format.


www.Tweetdeck.com : Tweetdeck is areal-time browser, connecting you with your products across Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Myspace and more

One way to monitor your performance in social media is by using an integrated browser client that will show you every time your target phrases are mentioned.  It unifies Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Myspace to give you a convenient way to use and monitor social media.  Whenever your keywords are referenced you have an easy way to quickly respond without leaving the program. 

A brand is a  sum total of all conversations taking place around, and it will continue happening regardless of whether or not organizations participate in the dialogue.  But agile organizations engage people and communities through Sniffing, Tracking, Engaging and Responding to their brand conversations. 


Enjoy Reading  
