Laser Therapy To Quit Smoking
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Laser therapy to quit smoking

Study says that there is a therapy to quit smoking. Everyone knows that smoking is injurious to health. There are many aids to help quit smoking and the laser therapy is one of the finest approaches. The treatment is also said to be one of the most effective smoking cessation methods. The treatment is very safe and gentle to the patients. Many of the smokers try to quit smoking but they failed. This fine therapy can help them to lead happier and healthier life.

The therapy works with the uses of soft laser beam which hits the affected area in the patient’s body and allows the body to release natural chemicals called endorphins. Endorphins have a calming, relaxing effect on the body that helps to reduce nicotine craving. This soft laser therapy is also painless. The treatment is also growing very popular among the men who were not unable to quit smoking.

The therapy is based on acupuncture principles but it is not used with needles, it directs soft laser beams on to specific acupressure points of the body. So the treatment is absolutely pain free and has zero side effects. As the treatment stimulates endorphins the laser therapy is able to suppress physical cravings and enhance will power, allowing a smoker to quit smoking easily for life long. The cost of the treatment is also very affordable and in thousands only.

The fact is that some patients to stop smoking with laser treatment might not be effective for everyone. They may experience drowsiness, little headedness and so on. For some individuals, the treatment is very safe and relaxed. Although the therapy has been introduced recently, the treatment takes under only in few Delhi based clinics and the people are looking forward to spread over India.

