Promote Your Website
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Promote Your Website

Sales and Marketing Manager

10 Ways to Promote Your Website

The following information is provide you with ideas for promoting your web site. These are some of the most common promotion methods. You may think of others. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about your web site promotion.

1. Include your URL on business cards, stationery, brochures and other literature. This important consideration is often overlooked. When printing your company’s promotional and marketing materials, leave off the http:// part and include only the portion.

2. E-mail and e-mail newsletters are a way to bring visitors to your web site. Utilize the signature file option (company name, address, phone number, URL, e-mail address) in your e-mail program.

 3. Use your traditional means of advertising to add your URL. Be sure to include your URL in any display or classified ads you purchase in trade journals, newspapers, magazines and more. View your web site as an information adjunct to the ad – to capture the reader’s attention with the ad, and then refer them to a URL where they can obtain more detailed information.

 4. Ask your staff, affiliates and partners to add a link to your web site. Some will view your business as a service and will gladly oblige your request.

 5. When your business has a newsworthy event, send press releases to print and online periodicals. Use these opportunities to mention your company’s URL near the bottom of each news release.

 6. Consider adding your URL to any display or business listings in the phone directory. This can be a very profitable source of web site traffic.

 7. Include your web site URL in any printed trade publication articles you write.

 8. When giving presentations to any groups or even when speaking to individuals about your company’s services be sure to mention your web site URL. Even better, hand out your business cards (with the URL) and let them know they can learn more by visiting your web site.

 9. Include your web site URL in any printed newsletters you send out to prospective clients, affiliates or partners.

 10. Include a signature line with your URL in any online message forum or guestbook posts you make online. Be very discreet so you don’t risk being seen as “spamming” their forums.
