Chronic Stomach Ache In Children
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Chronic Stomach Ache in Children

Research Associate

Stomach aches affect most children at one time or another. Stomach aches may be a symptom for a variety of illnesses, and sometimes can indicate a more serious condition that requires medical care.

Children who have a stomach ache often experience other associated symptoms, including diarrhea, fever, nausea and vomiting, and poor appetite. They may also experience pain in other body parts, such as the back, chest, pelvis, rectum, scrotum or legs.

Most stomach aches are the result of minor illnesses that quickly pass with little or no treatment. Once the underlying condition disappears, the child’s stomach ache is likely to subside as well. However, some cases are more severe and may require medical treatment in the form of medications or surgery.

Mothers who breastfeed rather than bottle-feed their baby reduce the infant’s risk of influenza or other infections that may trigger stomach problems. Encouraging children to wash their hands regularly can reduce the likelihood that the child will become ill with a viral infection or other contagious disorder that may cause stomach pain.

Causes of Chronic Stomach Ache in Children:


Indigestion is a major cause for stomachache in children. It accrues due to improper food habits like overeating and drinking fizzy drinks and junk food. Keeping hot water bottle over tummy may bring some relief.


Constipation is known to induce stomach ache, nausea and vomiting in kids. This condition can be recognized because the stools are hard and dry. Diet rich in fiber and gentle laxatives assist in bringing about some degree of relief.


Stomachache in children due to Gastroenteritis could happen due to a viral or bacterial infection. The most obvious symptom is diarrhoea, which is related with acute abdominal cramps, vomiting as well as fever. This condition can be confirmed via a stool examination.

Worm Infestation:

Worm infection is another very common reason causing acute stomach ache in children. It is caused due to roundworms and normally ails those who live in unhygienic conditions and consume contaminated water. Taking anti-worm medications can cure this infection.

Food Allergies:

Stomach pain in kids could also happen due to allergy from particular kind of food constituents like lactose in milk. Some food preservatives employed for adding color while preparing cold drinks or pickles may lead to food allergies in some.


Though this may sound strange, but it’s true that certain kind of drugs like those prescribed for treating epilepsy or malaria as well as some antibiotics is known to cause stomachache in children.

How to Handle Children’s Stomachache at Home:


Let the kid lie on a bed and rest. Keep a warm water-bottle or heating pad on the child’s stomach for 20 minutes until the pain subsides.


Let the kid drink water from time to time, but only in sips. Do not feed him / her solid food. Small children tend to vomit when suffering from stomach pain, so keep a vomiting pan nearby.

Sitting on the toilet:

Ask the kid to sit on the toilet and try passing a stool. This may lessen the pain.

Medicines to be given:

Normally one should refrain from giving medicines to a child suffering from stomach pain without consulting the doctor. Avoid using any type of laxatives, enemas or painkillers. This is because laxatives and enemas may worsen the pain by rousing the bowel, whereas painkillers may camouflage a more acute ailment like appendicitis.

Conditions When the Doctor needs to be immediately consulted

The pain is chronic, continuous or lasts for over a couple of hours.

The pain is intermittent and lasts for more than 24 hours.

The pain is accruing from the scrotum or testicle.

The pain is ensued by frequent vomiting and fever.

The child looks very unwell.

