Shaolin Kung Fu: The Spiritual Martial Art
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Shaolin Kung Fu: The spiritual martial art

I learnt about this fantastic Martial Arts from China; Shaolin Kung Fu, from the movies of my youth and was I not impressed with Bruce Lee and the likes! Yet, that was only the information that was the tip of the iceberg. What I learnt about Shaolin Kung Fu from the internet and from Shaolin India really left me deeply moved and impressed. Now I know that Shaolin Kung Fu is not just a martial art that keeps your body agile and mind alert so that you are able to protect yourself if and when the need arises. It is this and much more than that. The physical and mental benefits accrued from Shaolin Kung Fu are only the by-products of a discipline that is acquired by complete dedication, passion and complete submission of the ego.

I was more than stunned when I was talking about Shaolin Kung Fu with someone from Shaolin India. What I understood then is that Shaolin Kung Fu is a spiritual discipline that cannot be fully taught in a Shaolin Kung Fu School. It has to be learnt from the real masters who have acquired this art from the Shaolin Monastery where the Buddhist monks guide them in learning and understanding spiritual practices more than the physical routines. It could be some years before a disciple is accepted by one of these master monks and it could be another few years before any physical training is imparted. But according to Shaolin India, once the person is on the right spiritual path the control of the body and mind are the least difficult of the practices.

The Shaolin Kung Fu School cannot boast of replicating the experience of the training at the Shaolin Monastery but Shaolin India claim that in the Shaolin Kung Fu School run by them will have masters that have been trained at the Monastery and what will be taught there will not be just physical exercise. This claim itself gives any Shaolin Kung Fu opened by Shaolin India due credence. If not all some benefits will surely trickle down to the aspiring students.
