Single Mothers By Choice: How Can They Make Life Better?
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Single Mothers by Choice: How Can They Make Life Better?

United States (US/USA)
Single Parenthood comes with plenty of adversities. A survey reveals that there are nearly 15 million single parents in United States responsible for bringing up nearly 22 million children. About 45% of the total single mothers in United States are divorced or separated and 34.2% have never married. For Single Mothers by Choice or by fate, life as such can never be easy. Life is rather full of adversities and hinges on difficulties and compromises.


 Thankfully in the modern world, Government is very much conscious about the adversities in the lives of single mothers. Government offers many types of financial programs in order to make their lives better. There are many ways in which Financial Help for Single Mothers can be availed. When a single mom gets helped, the major benefit goes to the kids. These measures of help surely help them improve the livelihood.

Many a times, in view of the heavy responsibilities, single mothers are not able to seek quality education and thus settle down for a job that is less paying. Their educational dreams are left unfulfilled and they are not able to make up a lucrative career. To help those who wish to pursue higher education but cannot pay the hefty school or university fees there are educational grants. Government also provides scholarships for deserving candidates to ensure they get maximum help.

At times, single mothers are not able to do a full time job as they cannot afford the hefty childcare expenses. The money from the part time job is not enough to meet the rising expenses of the family. There is provision of special daycare or childcare grants that can benefit such mothers in need. By availing these grants, single mothers get financial aid to cover up for the childcare expenses.

There are many low-income families of single mothers who are not able to fulfill even their subsistence needs. For such poor families, programs like Food Stamps and Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program are very useful. These programs help to meet the nutrition needs of the families and help the single mothers raise healthy kids. Free medical insurance and help in meeting healthcare expenses can be sought by the deserving single mothers.


 There are many state and federal government programs that help single mothers with seeking a stable shelter for the family. Low-interest mortgage loans are also available for single mothers. If you too are a single mother and the difficulties of life are posing problem for you, you can get rid of discomfort of your life with these financial aids. You can contact county office of social service for availability of programs in your area. You can opt to go over the features of different programs to select the most suitable one. Selecting the right program can make the life of a single mother many folds easier and can provide the children with healthy upbringing.
