The Tips To Travel Abroad
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The tips to travel abroad

My frequent flyer friend has ever taught me the following:

No charge, No safe(security).

Carefully choose from a variety of airlines.

Do not walk around the airport on sandal or mule (If the terrorism incident will happen, you cannot help yourself.)

Keep your luggage small and compact to carry on by myself.

Keep myself in a queue as Europeans and Americans do.

When I'm given a "ladies first" attitude, I certainly express thanks to such a gentleman.

Do not wear on sleeveless top in Buddhist Thailand.

Even if European and American ladies wear on sleeveless top, Japanese shouldn't wear on the same as Japan is also Buddhist country.

Do not wear on one-piece or skirt in India as all the Indian ladies don't wear on the same.

The famous proverb says; "when in Rome, do as the Romans do".

Hence, when in India, do as the Indians do!
