The Creative CV Ideas
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The Creative CV ideas

The contents of the resume are difficult to be creative, for what every entrepreneur would like to know are your majors, experiences and knowledge background. But the way to show CVs can be innovative. Here lists several ideas that may outstanding your resumes in a different fashion, which must impress the receivers on the first sight.

1. The CV conveyer

The common resumes are printed on the ordinary A4 papers with the contents written in well- shaped charts. But it is so boring for the HRs that if all of the appliers’ resumes are all the same fashion. It is said that if the contents can not appear to the human resources in 10 seconds or less, your resumes will be last in the rubbish. So just be a little more creative from the first sight.

If it is an interview face to face, why don’t you print your CVs in round shape instead of the common A4 papers; it can be easily made in the printing shops. What’s more, if you are major in design, other shapes, such as a paper box, or packing box is also a good choice.

If the CVs are delivered online, then an attached power point, which analyze your advantages and strengths that might bring profits to the entrepreneurs, must impress the receivers deeply.

2. Social Networking Sites

With the popularization of social networking sites these years, a well-updated blog, Facebook or Twitter have been amazing places that can prove your infectivity and influence, and such personal sites have been important test items by the executives. So if you are still blank in the SNS, create a new one and update them occasionally.

3. Flipping book resumes

It is said that good resumes should be limited in only one paper, for the human resources will have no patience to read through the whole pages if it is too long. But things are not always the same. As long as the resumes are creative, the HRs must be having a special eye on it. And the flipping book resumes are among the best ideas.


Though flipping book resumes are limited to online delivery as attachment, they are very innovative to collect information about the appliers of all information together. The flipping book, which can be made easily with the page flip software, is more like a personal magazine. With good templates and the amazing flipping technology, as well as the unordinary fashion to show the contents, the particular magazine-like resumes will be very eye-catching to the human resources and then a greater interview chances will come along.

The creative CVs can narrow the way to successful interview. During the job interview, personalized and outstanding appliers can be succeeded, the same is the resumes. Everyone can win the job as long as he or she can be creative to the point. Good luck!
