High Performers Show Ability To Take Risks
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High performers show ability to take risks

I.T Analyst

High performers show ability to take risks

It is a common belief that successful people have that extra special quality which makes them high achievers. However, the fact is they are ordinary people just like you and me but put their best in everything they do which makes them successful.

Such people are focussed in their objectives and their efforts lead to results, which benefit not only them but others as well. They create value through their achievements. These high performers have certain common traits that help them and their organisation to succeed.

Firstly, these high performers show a propensity to take risks and make choices which seem counter-intuitive. But they are willing to take chances and try things without knowing whether they will work or not.

In other terms they have an innovative bent of mind, which managers will agree is important for success. Innovation means trying things without knowing if they will work out. This requires courage and willingness to abandon the established way of doing things and even putting one’s success at stake. Such people do not hesitate to take chances.

Any failure is treated as a learning experience so that they can do better the next time.

High performers live and act by the famous slogan of Nike ’Just do it’ and they believe in doing things and doing them now. They are not willing to wait and believe in immediate action. They believe in speedy decisions and hate indecisiveness or inertia. They are willing to make mistakes even with hasty decisions but for them waiting to take a decision is a criminal waste of time in a fast-paced world.

They have a reputation for quick action and speedy decisions.

Successful people believe in self-improvement. They are constantly looking for ways to improve. They are not hesitant to take the help of others or seek coaches or mentors in spite of their successful track record. They believe they should get better at what they are good at. Some of the most successful sports persons have coaches to train them because they believe that they have the potential to do more and need the training. High performers share the same attitude.

These individuals perform well under pressure. They also plan ahead, do their research and are prepared for any setbacks, which they foresee. They are ready to move ahead knowing very well that the unexpected may happen. They are prepared to face the unknown and prefer action to being static just because things are uncertain.

They make the right choices and take quick decisions. They adapt easily to changes and are prepared for dynamic situations. They deftly handle unexpected situations and consider changing conditions as normal and are rarely caught in them. They are also prepared for the fact that their best-laid plans can fail due to unexpected changes but this does not stop them and they are quick in responding to the new situation in an appropriate manner.

High performers are consistent and silent performers and excel under pressure and bring in the results. These are the very traits companies desire in their employees. Employers should look for people with these qualities at the hiring stage using the right selection procedures and once on board train them and give them opportunities to excel. Their efforts should be recognised and appropriately rewarded so that they are motivated to do more.

Remember high performers do not have special qualities but the way they handle situations and challenges makes them stand apart. Imbibing some of these traits in our own working style will certainly lead to a better career and make us successful.

Published on the hindu opportunities

