Investment Options In India
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Investment Options in India

An investor can choose innumerable investment options depending upon his risk profile. Here we elucidate some of the options


Fixed Deposit- If investor is conservative then he can choose this option. It is also known as “low risk low return”. The major drawback is that the returns can be completely wiped out owing to spiraling inflation.


Bonds- Bonds can be categorized into two parts

* Corporate Bond- It is meant for all those investors whose risk appetite is great i.e. for aggressive investors. The returns proffered are quite high simultaneously risk is quite high too. In case the company goes bankrupt investor won’t receive  even his principal amount.

* Govt Bond- It is safe and secure mode of investing. They offer assured returns and standard income.


Equity- The other major source of investment is stock market. It is bit risky if you have shorter time horizon but if you can keep your investment for longer period of time then it will provide you assured returns. Investors can invest in different companies through equity mutual funds, SIP etc which is managed by professionals.


Insurance- Insurance is the best way to indemnify your life and assets. Many insurance options are available in market like health insurance, home insurance, life insurance, car insurance etc.


NSC- National Saving Certificate is secured govt investment with lock in period of 7 years. The investor is entitled to interest which is forfeited two times a year. Moreover, NSC falls under Section 80C of IT act and profit accrued is valid for tax deduction.


PPF- Investment in PPF is supported by govt. It also falls under category of Section 80C of income tax act so investors can gain from income tax deduction. The rate of interest is evaluated yearly and has lock in tenure of 15 years.


Real Estate- Real Estate is good source of investment. It is termed as money making industry.


Investments in Gold Deposit- Many gold deposit schemes are available in market. Investments in this scheme are opened for HUF, firms, trust with no upper limit. Gold bonds are not entitled to capital gains tax and wealth tariff.


Thus, depending upon your risk appetite you can chose from various modes of investment.



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