Understanding Gate Pass And It’S Importance
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Understanding Gate Pass and it’s Importance

Managing Director
In many large organisations, a lot of movements take place every day. It may be employees moving in or out, movement of raw materials for production etc. All these movements of the organisation’s premises, factories and companies needs to be monitored and controlled. This is where the concept of a gate pass comes into play. Gate pass can be used to authorise the movements of humans, materials and machines to or from the premises of the organisation. It will help to monitor and track all the movements happening in an organisation.

What is gate pass?

Gate pass is simply a printed document that needs to be filled out by the person who wants to move out of the premises of the organisation. The person is supposed to fill out the necessary information including the purpose of travel to get approval. Usually the approval is done by authorised personals that just sign off the filled out gate will pass document if he/she feels that the reason for moving out or in the organisation is acceptable. The authorised gate pass document is verified by the security persons in charge of the gate and they will allow the movement only if they see the authorised gate pass.

Types of gate passes

There are generally two types of gate passes. Employee pass and material pass. Since most of the movement are either humans going in or out or materials being shipped in or out, two different gate passes can be made for these two purposes.

Employee gate pass

It is for employees who want to move out. The reason may be personal or professional. Either way, he/she would have to fill out the employee gate pass and submit for the approval of the head of department (HOD). If HOD accepts the reason, he will approve and then the pass is produced to the HR. The HR will sign off the document after noting down the movement. Finally, the employee can submit the document at gate to move out. This is an effective way to restrict unauthorised movement.

Materials gate pass

For moving materials, three copies of the gate pass is made. The passes are signed by the authorised person. Two copies of the pass is given to the person responsible for the movement (usually the driver) and one of the copies will be held by the security team at the gate. The other copy will be kept by the driver until the delivery reaches its destination.

Benefits of using gate pass

There are a lot of advantages if gate pass system is implemented in an organisation. The first and foremost being the restriction of unauthorised movement in the organisation’s premises, and apart from this, the gate pass allows the organisation to get a record of the time of movement and to track the person responsible for the movement. In the case of materials, gate pass prevents the theft or unauthorised carry. It also improves the discipline inside the organisation.

Looking for a Gate pass format? Download it here
