Jogging To Lose Weight More Effectively Get Rid Of Belly Fat
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Jogging to lose weight more effectively get rid of belly fat

1.The pace of change
When running for the accelerated pace of change in abdominal fat metabolism and digestion with significant help, try changing the speed during the run to run, make strides in cutting ran some distance and then run small steps at a distance, or to change the pace of cross-motion, in such a pace transformation, abdominal fat and muscle by stretching, thus speeding up the dissolution of abdominal fat, muscle firming, cellulite can be reduced to persevere.

2.Integrate high leg
When running, high speed for 1 minute leg exercise, you can quickly and effectively mobilize muscles, the abdominal muscles can get intensive training. In the course of the high leg lift from slow to fast or from fast to slow, leg lift higher, the more belly fat get stretched, fat consumption was also faster. Such high-speed multi-leg exercise can be run several times in the process, the better.

3.Prolonged exercise time
Running requires a certain time to reach sustained fat burning effect, and therefore need to continue running a long time, usually at least 30 minutes or more to play a role in fat burning. For office workers, the after work for 45 to 60 minutes of exercise is very conducive to physical and mental health, try to go at least 45 minutes, up to a certain amount of training, body fat begin digestion, lower abdomen will naturally lose weight.

4.Abdominal fat massage
During running or jogging to relax after part of the abdomen powerful massage. Rub your hands in opposite directions abdominal fat, the force must be applied in order to play the effect of abdominal massage, massage helps in the process of running a fast fat burning belly fat, so as to achieve the purpose of lean belly, when not relaxing forget abdominal massage, massage also continued accelerate fat burning, lean belly to make sustained and effective.

