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Corporate Trainer
See interview of Subramanya Rama Rao

Business invariably means a total blend of guts, forethought, market needs and business ethics. There are no short cuts and quick bucks, it is a combination of the elements of Blood, sweat and tears. Ambition and passion to succeed, commitment to the purpose will be the deciding factors.

Market Research, product viability and feasibility,competitor’s study, strengths and weaknesses understood, produce of newproducts, short term and long term planning. Branding and positioning exercises conducted, - is a sure sign of success.

I think, the essence comes up, by the talent pool you subscribe, and give enough autonomy and authority to the governing body. The promoter sits back, watches the show, and moderates. Here, the (undesirable) elements of power must not be a tool to unwind creative measures and restrict innovation. Most of the proprietary involvement must inspire the talent pool and must not feel at any given point of time, that they are isolated. Aconfident body of promoters must capitalize professionals on a well-integrated platform.

Smart business, must not function by autocratic measures,and gerontocracy must not be in place; young seasoned professionals must be thevirtual runners. To inculcate and motivate team members to perform and attain target oriented business objectivity must replace all parochial systems.

Electronic software well monitored in HRM takes care most ofthe disciplines. Human intervention factors reserved only at the very laststage of decision taking. Top management is only reserved for conceptualization and planning.

Training and grooming personnel is another important facetof conducting business. A well trimmed and knowledge driven team ofprofessionals are the front face of the company and harbingers of business success. Companies must invest on their workers and constantly upgrade relevant knowledge.

Organizations must be lean and flat, an open door policy of interactive sharing of knowledge and issues of business development must relentlessly find its roots.

History of all Business success tells us, reflections of deep-rooted struggle, staunch adherence of human values and corporate ethics.Great names in industry segments have devotedly given high value importance for establishing their brand equity.

When organized business houses adopt modern management techniques and systems, and strive towards excellence there is no room for politics, gossip or any other such equivalents. Employee’s time and workprojects optimized, and channelized to delivery. Each employee is answerable to his project and as such, commitment to purpose becomes the order of things.

If avariciousness becomes a chronic manifestation in business, speed associated to project implementation turns out unreasonable. The fact is that no big bang theories work advantageously, by pushing people orcrossing boundaries in an unplanned manner. The break-even period, will takeoff with all the hurdles, and will indicate measures appropriate to business, for future perspectives.

Market competition is a challenge to business intelligence,the more focused the research on competing brands, and the more exercises reserved for price fixation, branding strategies and optimization of produce will be a fruitful endeavor. Advertizing and Marketing synchronized to market needs and perceptions will be a success element.

At a later point of time, product expansion and diversification would further strengthen the brand equity. Consolidation of product knowledge, the eventuality of threats from the market brands, from both inside and outside customer psyche, sized up, and properly addressed. There cannot be any misinterpretations and representation, which works against the product.

Lastly, corporate ethics and governing principles must be very strong, and adherence of it, at all testing times, and in crucial moments of business honored.
