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Violence is a painkiller for violent

But pain as well as misery for rest of the mankind

It was not the remedy

It is not the remedy

It will never be remedy

It is a great illusion of bounded intelligence and blind faiths

That they can maintain the justice

And bring peace by killing the human in the name of war terror and law and order

Violence not only brings pain miseries hate fear and greed

but also traps human mind and intelligence

in the vicious circles of unending violence

in the name of various blind faiths

Violence is a spontaneous tool

in the hand of bounded intelligence and blind faiths

prevailing in every sphere of life.

To kill the human to save humanity is not a solution

But to save the human,

Care the human,

Cure the human,

Guide the human, 

Employ the human,

To evolve the humanity is a solution

Are super minds ready to leave the tool of violence

to hold the tool of nonviolence?

Or want to remain in the illusions of painkillers

that violence always bring

for the supporters of violence

at the inhuman cost of humanity
