Latest postings by brijesh rajput
"The man with food but without drinking water, cloth, shelter, education and health facility is not poor in India"
Poverty (a form of depri ...more>>
If a man suffering from a disease Does not seek treatment Even when there is a physician at hand, It is not the fault of the physician. ...more>>
Indian culture has great experience of nonviolence and truth from Buddha, Mahavira ,great emperor Ashok to Mahatma Gandhi Indian king ...more>>
what is right and what is wrong has always been the question before the human intelligence
what is right for tribal chief may be ...more>>
Violence is a painkiller for violent
But pain as well as misery for rest of the mankind
It was not the remedy
It is not the remedy ...more>>
Capitalism gradually kills elite class, elite nations, creates nexus of blind religion, power hungry but fearful politics and greedy profi ...more>>
My friend asked a question
What is your limitations?
Does anyone has limitations if so please elaborate.
My answer is-
Present thoughts ...more>>
I am very happy to accept your kind and polite challenge. respectfully I would say that you should not apologize if your school ...more>>
A Nice Management Proverb: "A DOG will not hurt u,if u beat it with a bone ...." so se the right weapon to handle people .. Gud Mornini ..
It is must for man and society to be aware that-
Second stage- accepts the deprivations in internal world and external world.
Fourth stage ...more>>
Where there is no leadership the people fall, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety. (Proverbs 11:14)” <!--[if !vml]--> ...more>>
Spontaneous self confidence is an integral part of the eternity present in human body.That never goes high in prosperity or low in adversity ...more>>
Whole world should listen carefully
“Deprivations breeds when you start developing fragment at the cost of whole”
Continuous breeding ...more>>
Truth always comes before you in its bare form. It is beautiful, wonderful and awesome at the same time. Its beautiful form creates the joy ...more>>