Official Statement Of Indian Govt In The Skin Of Welfare State Under The Safeguards Of Constitution
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official statement of Indian govt in the skin of welfare state under the safeguards of constitution

"The man with food but without drinking water, cloth, shelter, education and health facility is not poor in India"

Poverty (a form of deprivation) in india

"The government of India uses a method to measure poverty that is different from the World Bank measurement: given that an average adult male has to eat food representing approximately 2000-2500 calories per day in order to sustain the human body, how much would it cost to buy these calories? Those who have an income that is lower than this cost, are considered poor. Actually, the Indian government uses the thresholds of 2,400 calories a day in rural areas and 2,100 in urban areas. (City dwellers are thought to exert less energy, so they should need to consume less. See here). This translates into an official poverty line set at 26 rupees (around $0.53) per person per day in rural areas and 32 rupees in urban areas (reflecting the different cost of food in cities). This calorie based measure was developed in the early 1970s. Subsequently, the poverty line has simply been updated using consumer price indices. The official line delivers a poverty rate of around 32% of the population, as opposed to the 42% according to the World Bank."

only insensitive leaders or administrater or economist can veiw the human in this way the animal in the jungle has the ablity to get the calories it needs( if the jungle is not possesed by the giant parasite (so-called modern man)

it is already known that in the civilized society man can,t live by bread alone

but the heartless great leaders of india or the rest of the world are well trained and conditioned to veiw the poverty in this way

"The man with food but without drinking water cloth shelter education health facility is not poor in india"

it is a reality how many indians are ready to accept it as it must be the sloagan of india?

we should never forget if we will ignore the disease, it will perpetuate.

The war corruption terror deprivation...... are the psycho-social diseases the root cause must be properly diagnosed to gradually remove them step by step

Alas ! we have lot of specialist experts doctors engineers scientists tackle for various kind of challenges or problems of mankind in the classical man and societies but we have no doctors specialists at all to effectively tackle the psycho-social diseases of mankind around the globe                      The attitude that glass is half filled may be good for kids consciousness to motivate them in classical thinking but in the quantum thinking for aware adult consciousness it is must that they should comprehend that glass is half empty at the same time

This situation is expressed in this way before the human consciousness we have already filled half of the glass we are filling the remaining part of it.           what we don't have we will get that

what problems are with us we will not ignore them

we are ever ready to accepts our weaknesses to find out the ways to remove them.

 ignorance is not the problem but to remain ignorant about the eternal powers of human being as well as the disease of human consciousness in the absence of appropriate feel thought and action pattern is a greatest problem before the mankind

we must remember we have great ability to face fearlessly and greedlessly all kind of problems of various sphere of life.

To keep the fake hope or blind faith without properly diagnosing and assessing the disease is ridiculous now mankind is intelligent enough to devise the nonviolent technology, tools and peaceful strategy to remove the deep rooted continuously perpetuating problems of war terror corruption deprivations ...

so move ahead from classical thinking to quantum thinking to make the more better man and society able to live with the grace of human dignity as well as efficient to use the eternal potential of mankind peacefully and nonviolently in every sphere of life

The approach the glass is half filled has made the leaders so insensitive that they are very effectively ignoring the tears of crying humanity

it is the time to change this faulty approach and adopt new approach that glass is half filled and we are ready to fill the remaining part of it
