A Volcanic Eruption Of Corporate Ego!!!
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editricon A Volcanic Eruption of Corporate Ego!!!

First of all, let me thank those professional friends from Corporate India, who keep encouraging me to highlight some of the business issues pertaining to talent management.

I'm neither a seasoned writer, nor a management expert, but, my objective of writing these blogs is to share with my readers -- some of the issues, both in professional and personal domains of life, that truly deserve a brain-storming.

Yesterday, in the evening, while talking to the VP-HR of a multinational company, which has recently undergone a global restructuring, when I, unaware of the final structure, casually made a remark about his reporting matrix, he got extremely annoyed and told me to avoid making such statements without knowing the facts.

When my repeated attempt-to-pacify him failed to produce visible results, I was left with no other options but say sorry and good night to him. It surely was a painful experience, of watching helpless, an immature and explosive demonstration of what is infamously known as Corporate Ego.

With the internal structure of the new entity not yet made public, if I, by mistake, had made a wrong statement, based on some assumptions, wouldn't the best way to handling it been to correct me instead of going completely out of control ? Also, what hurt me most, was, that, we know each other for more than a decade by now.

Although I could immediately recover from that shock, thanks to my life's learnings, but, next thing I did was to make the framework of this article. You know why? Because, it's a major issue that deserves genuine attention.  I'm really surprised! What make people dump their social intelligence skills, so easily, especially the top corporate leadership?

One contributing factor could be the pressure that they are being continuously subjected to -- for delivering the best results. But, even then, while holding senior level positions, when they are looked upon as role models by so many, down the line, isn't such behavior from them likely to spark off a demotivating culture in the organization?

Another factor could be the influence of an inflated ego, which is being continuously fueled by an illusion of being the most important personality in the corporate ocean.

Whatever it is, the fact clearly emerges, that, some of the senior-most professionals - who are currently holding key assignments in the Corporate World - don't possess true leadership qualities that their employers expect out of them for driving organizations scale the summit of success.

Last but not the least, corporate leaders should never forget that every business relationship is precious -- like, that in personal life. Most of the successful leaders I know, practice this wisdom and, that's why and how, they keep moving ahead of others in both professional and personal life.

I wrote, write, and would continue doing so, because, someone has to point it out, that the corporate world is no better than the jungle of cruel dominance, where, to prosper, what matters is one's ability to learning the art and science of  surviving against the dominance of ruthless power-brokers.

Author: Abhijit Kar. Originally published on my blog at http://lisandrim.in
