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Latest postings by Abhijit Kar

First of all, let me thank those professional friends from Corporate India, who keep encouraging me to highlight some of the business issue ...more>>
"The master warrior is a man of character, a man of wisdom and insight." # Forrest E. Morgan 'Abhijit, we must complete the order in anothe ...more>>
More than 3 decades ago, I cleared my 12th board examination with 8 grace marks in English. Despite scoring pretty well in science subjects ...more>>
Sometime, in life, you may find yourself in a devastatingly helpless situation. Most of them would be relationship conflicts, and a few -- ...more>>
Everybody seems to be growing; most of us, willingly, through a combination of hard work, dedication and being in a favorable situation; a ...more>>
The findings of Gallup's recent - 2009 - survey attempting to identify what role religion plays in people's lives worldwide -- point toward ...more>>
Should we Indians be proud of this amazing demonstration of secularism: When an Indian Christian tortured by Muslim activists is being mer ...more>>
Recently I met the CEO of a fairly large organization. Being a good listener – developed this habit with great difficulties – ...more>>
Society continues to be divided between haves and have-nots. The former, taking advantage of their current status leaves no stone unturned ...more>>
Today I called up a candidate to find out if he is willing to move out of his comfort zone, I mean open to explore a challenging assignment ...more>>
I know a mother, a strong personality - both as a parent and also as a social worker - who gave up a political career just because an astr ...more>>
"On visits to Shanghai and Beijing, Obama will encounter not simply a rising global power but a nation that is transforming and challenging ...more>>
The heading of this article may appear little dramatic but the facts and figures are not because 24 suicides and more than 13 attempted ca ...more>>
Go to the station, at least an hour before the departure of Train - Father used to say - then, reach examination center half an hour ahead ...more>>
The underlying current of discontent shown by quite a few, while commenting against my article on Barack Obama - Leadership - Barack Obama M ...more>>
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