Barack Obama And The Implications Of "You Lie"
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Barack Obama and The Implications of "You lie"

The underlying current of discontent shown by quite a few, while commenting against my article on Barack Obama - Leadership - Barack Obama May Inspire You To Stay Physically Fit ! - few weeks ago on various forums, cast a doubt - in my mind - about wholehearted recognition of the first Afro-American president of United States of America.

Being a sensitive issue i kept quite but others didn't , and today as reported by "Times Online," one of the ex-president of US, Jimmy Carter has openly accepted that, racism and fear is driving the wave of anger directed at Barack Obama as he tries to drive through comprehensive reform of the US health-care system.

“I think that an overwhelming proportion of the intensely-demonstrated animosity toward President Barack Obama is based on the fact that he is a black man, he’s African-American,” Mr Carter told NBC television, in a potentially explosive intervention in national politics.(i)

The concern expressed by Colbert King; 2003 Pulitzer Prize winner for commentary in his article "A Dangerous Kind of Hate," published in "The Washington Post" that, "There's something loose in the land, an ugliness and hatred directed toward Barack Obama, the nation's first African American president, that takes the breath away. The thread of resentment is woven through conservative commentary, right-wing radio and cable TV shows, all the way to Capitol Hill." is clear cut indication of a growing resentment against 44th President of USA.

I think the outburst of South Carolina Rep. Joe Wilson during President Obama's health care speech to Congress more or less confirms the existence of a sleeping volcano which may erupt any time, and what Colbert said while concluding his article that, "If the president of the United States ever needed heartfelt prayers, it's now" is a painful but naked truth.

Abhijit Kar

Leadership And Networking
