TEDtalk On Moral Operating System
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TEDtalk on Moral Operating System

How to choose between business benefits vs Morally correct Technology?

I came across a nice TEDtalk for which you will need to visit TED.com and search for Moral Operating system.

The speaker - Damon Horowitz asks the audience to raise their hands for 'those who feel personal data used by you while doing online shopping or banking etc should be private to you and should not be used to get business gains.

The audience does vote that 'it should not be used.

With mobile technology, google 'Android' reaching hands of every alternate user, your personal life - likes and dislikes are no more personal to you.

With companies providing you Blackberry - 24x 7 connectivity - you as a member of sales or in general society can be reached out by anyone anytime.

Here the question is how to make sure that software stands 'tested' and confirms to 'moral standards' and not only ISO 9xxxx. ?

How to judge moral grounds ? What is the framework to be used to design moral standard based operating system ?


Visit the blog and you can find more interesting stuff there.

Moral of the story is - there are difficult issues, which can not be solved by fasting - such as 'moral' based Lokpal bill , to remove corruption totally from society.

The science of morality is difficult to understand .

While taking a heart patient to hospital - if you have taken the other side of road and saved his life by reaching just in time ( but breaking traffic rule) , did you do morally a correct thing, breaking the laws of road ? 

Judgement to do pass or fail is situation based.  Separation line is very narrow and thin to define the act is good or bad based on intended purpose or mission.

There are no easy solutions though. Google will need to build a filter called 'emotions' before it can do something such as 'corruption' filter.




