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Latest postings by Yogendra Maheshwari

Apple had a printer by model Laserjet LW360 and couple of other products which are key to publishing industry. These products were great fr ...more>>
This morning , I saw the news on launch of Windows Mobile 7.5 operating system. This reminds me of incident which took place in  2003- ...more>>
Apple was virtually written off by stock analysts and technocrats worldwide, when Steve Jobs was asked to quit. That time, there might have ...more>>
Steve Jobs, We will surely miss you. You built a team to create an iCon and became An iCon yourself.  Best way to live with what you l ...more>>
How to choose between business benefits vs Morally correct Technology? I came across a nice TEDtalk for which you will need to visit TED.co ...more>>
Stars are not only born, Stars are also made.. Abdij Bhat who joined a small organisation as a fresher Kshema Technologies, has been recogn ...more>>
All of you have read that RIM (Blackberry Company) is under pressure to make their device more unsecure ( ? no - release the encryption code ...more>>
Android has grown more than the other competitive platforms such as i-phone, blackberry etc.  The device has similar capabilities but h ...more>>
3G applications on mobile , many people wonder about how and why these are different. When the ethernet speed was evolved , no one coined t ...more>>
PMI India- hosted an all india event in Taj Residency,Bangalore on August 7th.  Some of the expert  members and invited guests had ...more>>
July29th 2010, IIM Bangalore is hosting a special full day event which has theme of Mobile Applications. Many of you would have seen that i ...more>>
After reading the newspaper in the morning , about  football world cup got over, I felt that the life will be dull for sometime. When r ...more>>
There used to be times when people would work 8-5 time ( 8-9 hrs /day). Mobile devices and global competitive market places, made the sales ...more>>
Mobile devices which are capable to deliver the content are already into the play. Various companies introduce new models before the other m ...more>>