Why Mobile Device Strategy Is Important For The Organisations
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Why mobile device strategy is important for the Organisations

There used to be times when people would work 8-5 time ( 8-9 hrs /day). Mobile devices and global competitive market places, made the sales people stay in contact with companies anytime of the day.

Slowly , the members who would carry files home and bring back completed work after burning mid-night oil , get depleted. Thanks to laptops which can connect to office and allow work from home.

People started using available times in airport lounge and waiting times became useful to do last minute edits for the next client presentation.
Next day response , was no good for client requests, when Blackberry came on the picture. Smart Blackberry designers who in canada - felt that there is one device which needs to have power even after 5 days after last re-charge and should deliver some important messages.

Today's executive is working 24x7. He can connect with any timezone, be in touch across miles. Do video conference, store important files and do commercial transactions like ticket booking, seat in the flight or even pay for his bills using mobile devices.

Best way to connect with an employee in new generation is facebook, twitter and other social networking. Many companies have already added advt budgets to incorporate these tools to know the new generation members . Corporate security teams are working to see how these can be deployed without impacting on client work and also keeping compliances needed for security as an order for the day.

Simple to use applications will become popular for employees and employers. IT teams have to adopt it faster than earlier large ERP /CRM projects.

Large companies sponsoring music festivals or events which are totally disconnected from their talent pool is indications of companies going Social after companies going Global in last decade or so.
