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Latest postings by Abigale Bryant

Sometimes the hardest part of being on a diet isn't mealtime, but the time between meals when you are tempted to each too much of the ...more>>
Getting support from the important people in your life can make a big difference as your quit traditional smoking. In fact, two out of fi ...more>>
Eight years after the first commercial e-cigarettes land in the U.S., the FDA is still working to finalize rules for the category. E ...more>>
Smoking and non-smoking are really two different lifestyles. However, like any challenge in a relationship, it can be overcome. E-cigaret ...more>>
The soy bean is a widely grown crop throughout the world. Its value is derived from its high protein content, which is higher than all ot ...more>>
As we know, the key to weight loss is making a calorie deficit. There are many factors that affect your daily calorie intake. Check the f ...more>>
If you're ready to start losing weight, but you don't want to follow a diet. The good news is, you can make a few "painless& ...more>>
You’re finally done with your run, but what you do afterward is just as important for your health. Are you sabotaging your fitness ...more>>
Everyone these days has gotten into the habit of choosing healthier and greener options in their daily lives. Smoking is no differen ...more>>
While heart disease kills more men and women than any other disease in developed countries, it turns out there's a lot you can do to ...more>>
1.Onion Onions can promote gastrointestinal motility, strengthen digestion and is rich in sulfur, and protein binding of the best situations ...more>>
Tobacco cigarettes damage your health and income however, quitting smoking isn’t easy. Many people spend many years and thousands o ...more>>
It probably took you very little time to get addicted to cigarettes, and now that you want to quit the outlook looks pretty bleak. Cigare ...more>>
The core of smokeless cigarettes is the battery, which functions as the brain of the device. The battery entails more than a mere power s ...more>>