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Latest postings by Loizos Potamites

If you're in a leadership state, you have to be aware that you have a responsibility to your team. Managers always keep things in ...more>>
Efficiency has to do with plan: plan your day, plan your week. Spend some time to write down your working plan, your dates even your goals. ...more>>
Motivation is the fuel us humans need to excel at what we do. It is the most powerful and creative fuel on earth. There is an abundance of t ...more>>
Did you know that every time you make a thought your brain releases chemicals? Yes, this is true. These chemicals. Through these chemicals y ...more>>
Most of our thoughts are negatives ones and no wonder why. When thoughts are negative in nature (thoughts of worry, anxiety, stress, lack, r ...more>>
It is a common secret that the most successful people in the world  have mastered a really genuine technique in utilizing their subcons ...more>>