Best Dressed For Women In Business And Socially
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Best Dressed For Women In Business And Socially

More than ever before, how we look is an important factor in our success in life. The old saying "don't judge a book by its cover" may well contain true wisdom, but the facts of life are that appearances are vitally important -- in business and socially.


People do judge you on how you look. As blouse chiffon, it's human nature. Few of us can look like as if we have just stepped out of the pages of a fashionable magazine, but that's not what "best dressed" is about. The key to dressing well is to learn how to make the most of ourselves by highlighting our good features and downplaying our lesser ones. 


"In fashion" does not equal "must have". If it's not your style, leave it in the store.

Understand that "best dressed" includes the whole package - clothes, accessories, shoes, hair and makeup. Before wearing womens work suits, don't forget your skin. Whether you are a man or a woman, good skin condition is essential. Avoid skin care products containing mineral oil or other petroleum derivatives.


Don't rely too much on the opinion of salespeople. They are paid to promote what is in their store, not to be impartial. If you need time and money saving advice, use a style consultant.


Today's Top7Business Article was submitted by Fiona Cameron, who is a style consultant based in Melbourne, Australia. She has an extensive background in fashion (men's and women's), skin care and cosmetics. The client list of her firm, Face the World, includes prominent men and women. Fiona's work with long sleeve blouse has been featured in major newspapers and magazines and she has also made a number of appearances on peak time national TV programs.
